1. cause to go somewhere (Freq. 79) - The explosion sent the car flying in the air - She sent her children to camp - He directed all his energies into his dissertation • Syn: direct • See Also: send away • Derivationally related forms: sending • Hypernyms: move, displace • Hyponyms: project, cast, contrive, throw, turn, divert, route, refer, redirect, airt, blow • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody - Something ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody PP - Somebody ----s something PP 2. to cause or order to be taken, directed, or transmitted to another place (Freq. 20) - He had sent the dispatches downtown to the proper people and had slept • Syn: send out • See Also: send back • Derivationally related forms: sender, sending • Hypernyms: transmit, transfer, transport, channel, channelize, channelise • Hyponyms: send in, mail out, mail, get off • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s something to somebody - Somebody ----s something PP 3. cause to be directed or transmitted to another place (Freq. 20) - send me your latest results - I'll mail you the paper when it's written • Syn: mail, post • Derivationally related forms: sendee, sender, sending, post (for: post), postage (for: post), posting (for: post), mailer (for: mail), mail (for: mail), mailing (for: mail) • Hypernyms: transfer • Hyponyms: express, airmail, register, express-mail • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s something to somebody - They send the parcel to their parents - They send them the parcel 4. transport commercially (Freq. 14) • Syn: transport, ship • See Also: send on, send off • Derivationally related forms: shipment (for: ship), shipper (for: ship), shipping (for: ship), transport (for: transport), transportation (for: transport) • Hypernyms: move, displace • Hyponyms: barge, railroad, dispatch, despatch, send off, forward, send on • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody - Somebody ----s somebody PP - Somebody ----s something PP - They send the parcel to their parents - They send them the parcel 5. transfer (Freq. 5) - The spy sent the classified information off to Russia • Syn: get off, send off • Derivationally related forms: send-off (for: send off), sending • Hypernyms: transfer • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something 6. assign to a station (Freq. 5) • Syn: station, post, place • Derivationally related forms: place (for: place), station (for: station) • Hypernyms: move, displace • Hyponyms: garrison, fort, locate, place, site • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s somebody PP 7. cause to be admitted; of persons to an institution (Freq. 3) - After the second episode, she had to be committed - he was committed to prison • Syn: commit, institutionalize, institutionalise, charge • Derivationally related forms: institution (for: institutionalise), institution (for: institutionalize), commitment (for: commit), committal (for: commit) • Hypernyms: transfer • Hyponyms: hospitalize, hospitalise • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s somebody PP 8. broadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or television (Freq. 2) - We cannot air this X-rated song • Syn: air, broadcast, beam, transmit • Derivationally related forms: transmission (for: transmit), transmitter (for: transmit), beam (for: beam), broadcast (for: broadcast), broadcaster (for: broadcast), sender, air (for: air) • Topics: broadcast medium, broadcasting • Hypernyms: publicize, publicise, air, bare • Hyponyms: satellite, sportscast, telecast, televise, interrogate, rerun, rebroadcast • Cause: air • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Something ----s something - Somebody ----s something PP