1. a line that forms the length of an arrow pointer (Freq. 3) • Hypernyms: line • Part Holonyms: arrow, pointer 2. an aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect (Freq. 3) - his parting shot was 'drop dead' - she threw shafts of sarcasm - she takes a dig at me every chance she gets • Syn: shot, slam, dig, barb, jibe, gibe • Derivationally related forms: gibe (for: gibe) • Hypernyms: remark, comment, input • Hyponyms: cheap shot 3. a long rod or pole (especially the handle of an implement or the body of a weapon like a spear or arrow) (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: rod • Hyponyms: axle, thill 4. a column of light (as from a beacon) • Syn: beam, beam of light, light beam, ray, ray of light, shaft of light, irradiation • Derivationally related forms: irradiate (for: irradiation), ray (for: ray), beamy (for: beam), beam (for: beam) • Hypernyms: light, visible light, visible radiation • Hyponyms: heat ray, high beam, moonbeam, moon ray, moon-ray, sunbeam, sunray, laser beam, low beam 5. obscene terms for penis • Syn: cock, prick, dick, pecker, peter, tool, putz • Usage Domain: obscenity, smut, vulgarism, filth, dirty word • Hypernyms: penis, phallus, member 6. (architecture) upright consisting of the vertical part of a column • Syn: scape • Topics: architecture • Hypernyms: upright, vertical • Part Holonyms: column, pillar 7. the main (mid) section of a long bone • Syn: diaphysis • Derivationally related forms: diaphysial (for: diaphysis), diaphyseal (for: diaphysis) • Hypernyms: long bone, os longum 8. a long pointed rod used as a tool or weapon • Syn: spear, lance • Derivationally related forms: lance (for: lance), spear (for: spear) • Hypernyms: weapon, arm, weapon system • Hyponyms: assegai, assagai, javelin, trident • Part Meronyms: barb, spearhead, spearpoint, spear-point 9. a vertical passageway through a building (as for an elevator) • Hypernyms: passageway • Hyponyms: elevator shaft, ventilation shaft, well • Part Holonyms: building, edifice 10. a long vertical passage sunk into the earth, as for a mine or tunnel • Hypernyms: passage • Hyponyms: air shaft, air well, downcast • Part Holonyms: mine, tunnel 11. the hollow spine of a feather • Syn: quill, calamus • Hypernyms: rib • Part Holonyms: feather, plume, plumage 12. a revolving rod that transmits power or motion • Syn: rotating shaft • Hypernyms: rod • Hyponyms: camshaft, crankshaft, driveshaft, spindle, mandrel, mandril, arbor, transmission shaft • Part Holonyms: rotating mechanism
1. equip with a shaft • Hypernyms: equip, fit, fit out, outfit • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something 2. defeat someone through trickery or deceit • Syn: cheat, chouse, screw, chicane, jockey • Derivationally related forms: chicanery (for: chicane), chicane (for: chicane), cheat (for: cheat), cheater (for: cheat) • Hypernyms: beat, beat out, crush, shell, trounce, vanquish • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s somebody - Something ----s something