see also SOUND, SPEAK ※ quiet - with very little or no sound: quiet (adverb quietly) Be quiet! ◎ quiet music ◎ a quiet place ◎ Not a sound could be heard - the house was absolutely quiet. ◎ to talk quietly - quiet sounds can be called soft (adverb softly) soft singing ◎ soft voices ◎ to play an instrument softly ◎ to speak softly - with no sound: silent (adverb silently); noun (U/C): silence a silent film ◎ He crept silently into the room. ◎ We listened in silence. ◎ After a moment's silence, we started to laugh. ◎ an awkward silence ※ loud - not quiet: loud (adverbs loud, loudly) a loud voice ◎ Could you speak a little louder? ◎ Must you play that stereo so loudly? - making too much noise: noisy (adverb noisily) noisy people ◎ a noisy party ◎ The children came noisily into the classroom. - (used about music, radios, etc) as loud as possible: (informal) full blast They'd got the radio on full blast. - very loud: deafening a deafening roar - extremely loud and painful to hear: ear-splitting ear-splitting shrieks ※ quiet behaviour - a person who does not say much and does not attract much attention is quiet Although he's a quiet man, he enjoys other people's company. - to make sb/sth quiet: quieten sb/sth (down) She quietened the children by giving them sweets. - to become quiet: quieten down Quieten down and get on with your work. - not excited, worried, angry, etc: calm; placid Stay calm - there's no need to panic. ◎ a placid temperament - to become quiet and calm after some excitement: settle down, calm down When the wedding was over, we soon settled down again to our usual routine. ◎ Calm down now and get back to your work please! - when you want other people to be quiet, you can say sh!shush! Sh! Don't make a noise or you'll frighten the birds away. ◎ Shush please! There's far too much noise in here! ※ more on being calm CALM ※ quiet places and situations - a state of calm or quiet: peace (noun U), peace and quiet (noun U); adjective: peaceful (adverb peacefully) a moment's peace ◎ the peace of a summer evening ◎ Leave me in peace! ◎ I need some peace and quiet. ◎ What a peaceful place! ◎ The patient is sleeping peacefully. - a place that is made so that no sound can get in or out is soundproof Please turn your music down - these walls are not soundproof! ◎ a soundproof recording studio