1. any spatial attributes (especially as defined by outline) (Freq. 37) - he could barely make out their shapes • Syn: form, configuration, contour, conformation • Derivationally related forms: contour (for: contour) • Hypernyms: spatial property, spatiality • Hyponyms: sharpness, keenness, dullness, bluntness, topography, lobularity, concavity, concaveness, convexity, convexness, angularity, angularity, curvature, curve, roundness, straightness, crookedness, stratification • Attrubites: straight, crooked 2. the spatial arrangement of something as distinct from its substance (Freq. 6) - geometry is the mathematical science of shape • Syn: form • Hypernyms: attribute • Hyponyms: solid, plane, sheet, natural shape, flare, flair, figure, line, angular shape, angularity, round shape, distorted shape, distortion, amorphous shape, connection, connexion, link, link, square, triangle, column, tower, pillar, plume 3. alternative names for the body of a human being (Freq. 3) - Leonardo studied the human body - he has a strong physique - the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak • Syn: human body, physical body, material body, soma, build, figure, physique, anatomy, bod, chassis, frame, form, flesh • Derivationally related forms: anatomic (for: anatomy), anatomist (for: anatomy), anatomical (for: anatomy) • Hypernyms: body, organic structure, physical structure • Hyponyms: person, juvenile body, adult body, male body, female body • Part Holonyms: person, individual, someone, somebody, mortal, soul, homo, man, human being, human 4. the visual appearance of something or someone (Freq. 2) - the delicate cast of his features • Syn: form, cast • Derivationally related forms: shapely • Hypernyms: appearance, visual aspect 5. a concrete representation of an otherwise nebulous concept (Freq. 2) - a circle was the embodiment of his concept of life • Syn: embodiment • Derivationally related forms: embody (for: embodiment) • Hypernyms: concretism, concrete representation 6. the state of (good) health (especially in the phrases 'in condition' or 'in shape' or 'out of condition' or 'out of shape') (Freq. 1) • Syn: condition • Hypernyms: good health, healthiness • Hyponyms: fitness, physical fitness 7. a perceptual structure - the composition presents problems for students of musical form - a visual pattern must include not only objects but the spaces between them • Syn: form, pattern • Derivationally related forms: pattern (for: pattern), form (for: form) • Hypernyms: structure • Hyponyms: fractal, gestalt, grid, kaleidoscope, mosaic, strand • Part Holonyms: percept, perception, perceptual experience
1. shape or influence; give direction to (Freq. 11) - experience often determines ability - mold public opinion • Syn: determine, mold, influence, regulate • Derivationally related forms: regulation (for: regulate), influence (for: influence), shaping, determinant (for: determine) • Hypernyms: cause, do, make • Hyponyms: dispose, incline, indispose, disincline, miscreate, miscreate, decide, reshape, time, index, pace, predetermine • Verb Frames: - Something ----s something - Somebody ----s whether INFINITIVE 2. make something, usually for a specific function (Freq. 6) - She molded the rice balls carefully - Form cylinders from the dough - shape a figure - Work the metal into a sword • Syn: form, work, mold, mould, forge • Derivationally related forms: mold (for: mold), form (for: form), formation (for: form), shaper, shaping • Hypernyms: create from raw material, create from raw stuff • Hyponyms: carve, swage, upset, chip, layer, cut out, machine, grind, stamp, puddle, beat, preform, mound, hill, roughcast, reshape, remold, sinter, cast, mold, mould, throw, handbuild, hand-build, coil, sculpt, sculpture, model • Verb Group: work, work on, process • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s something PP 3. give shape or form to (Freq. 3) - shape the dough - form the young child's character • Syn: form • Derivationally related forms: form (for: form), formation (for: form), shaper • Hypernyms: change, alter, modify • Hyponyms: individuate, tie, terrace, fork, tabulate, dimension, roll, draw, strike, crystallize, crystallise, crystalise, crystalize, twist, sliver, ridge, plume, round, round out, round off, scallop, scollop, square, square up, dish, fit, flatten, deform, distort, distort, blow, block, cup, encircle, circle, turn • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something