1. station where transport vehicles load or unload passengers or goods (Freq. 2) • Syn: terminus, depot • Hypernyms: station • Hyponyms: air terminal, airport terminal, bus terminal, bus depot, bus station, coach station, cathode, railway station, railroad station, railroad terminal, train station, train depot, subway station • Part Holonyms: transportation system, transportation, transit 2. a contact on an electrical device (such as a battery) at which electric current enters or leaves (Freq. 1) • Syn: pole • Derivationally related forms: polar (for: pole) • Hypernyms: contact, tangency • Hyponyms: anode, negative pole, positive pole • Part Holonyms: electrical device, battery, electric battery 3. either extremity of something that has length - the end of the pier - she knotted the end of the thread - they rode to the end of the line - the terminals of the anterior arches of the fornix • Syn: end • Derivationally related forms: end (for: end) • Hypernyms: extremity • Hyponyms: bitter end, bitthead, heel, point, pole, magnetic pole, railhead, terminus, yardarm, nerve ending, nerve end, telomere, end point, endpoint, termination, finish, destination, goal, tip 4. electronic equipment consisting of a device providing access to a computer; has a keyboard and display • Hypernyms: electronic equipment • Hyponyms: job-oriented terminal, remote terminal, link-attached terminal, remote station, link-attached station • Part Meronyms: keyboard
1. of or relating to or situated at the ends of a delivery route - freight pickup is a terminal service - terminal charges • Pertains to noun: terminus 2. relating to or occurring in a term or fixed period of time - terminal examinations - terminal payments • Pertains to noun: term 3. being or situated at an end - the endmost pillar - terminal buds on a branch - a terminal station - the terminal syllable • Ant: intermediate 4. occurring at or forming an end or termination - his concluding words came as a surprise - the final chapter - the last days of the dinosaurs - terminal leave • Syn: concluding, final, last • Similar to: closing • Derivationally related forms: final (for: final), finality (for: final) 5. causing or ending in or approaching death - a terminal patient - terminal cancer • Similar to: fatal