keeping money MONEY places where we keep clothes, food, books, cars CLOTHES, FOOD, BOOK, CAR - to continue to have sth: keep* sth, (informal) hang* onto sth, (formal) retain sth You can keep that book; I don't need it any more. ◎ I 'd like to hang on to this video for another week, if that's all right. ◎ Please retain your ticket while you are on the train. - to bring together a number of objects of a particular type over a period of time because they interest you: collect sth; a person who does this: collector; the things which are collected: collection a collector of fossils ◎ a stamp collection ※ not keeping sth - to be unable to find sth: lose* sth She's lost the car keys! - to give sth, often sth that you no longer want, without asking for or receiving money in return: give* sth away We don't need these clothes any more. Why don't we give them away? - to remove sth that you do not want: get* rid of sth; to do this by, for example, putting sth in a dustbin: throw* sth away/out I can't find Sunday's paper. Do you think I threw it out with the rubbish? ※ more on losing and giving LOSE, GIVE ※ keeping things for use in the future - if you do not want to give sth or sell sth to sb, you hold* on to it Whatever our money problems we must try to hold on to the house. - if you do not throw sth away or if you do not use all of it, you save sth (for sb/sth), save sb sth Save that box - it might come in useful. ◎ I'll be home late so please save me some dinner. - to keep sth to use in the future: store sth Store the biscuits in a cool dry place. - an amount of sth that you keep to use in the future: store a store of potatoes for the winter - something you keep for a special reason or to use later: reserve coal/oil/gold reserves ◎ a reserve water supply ※ saving money MONEY ※ keeping things safe or in a good condition - to keep sth, such as a house or a machine, in a good condition: maintain sth; noun (U): maintenance to maintain your house ◎ routine maintenance of the gas boiler - to keep sth safe or in a good condition: preserve sth; noun (U): preservation They've managed to preserve most of the wall paintings in the caves. - the work of protecting wild animals and the countryside: conservation (noun U) - an area of land where the plants, animals, etc, are protected by law: reserve a nature reserve ◎ a game reserve ※ MORE ... - to keep money or sth valuable or useful until a later time when you may really need it: save (sth) for a rainy day