Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 doing sth 2 different kinds of action 3 doing sth with or for other people 4 the order in which things are done 5 the time when sth is done continuing to do sth CONTINUE doing sth again AGAIN see also BEHAVIOUR, HABIT, HAPPEN, WORK
1 doing sth - to perform an action or actions: do* sth 'What are you doing tonight?' 'I'm going to the cinema.' ◎ I wish somebody would do something about that terrible noise. ◎ I've got nothing to do. - to do things in a particular way: behave, act; noun (U): behaviour (AmE behavior) He was behaving very strangely. ◎ He is acting like a child. ◎ bad behaviour - to do sth (often sth secret and perhaps sth that you should not do): be up to sth Where are my children? - I bet they're up to something. ◎ What are you up to these days? - doing a lot: active an active trade union member ◎ to be active in local politics - to think that you would like to do sth: feel* like sth/doing sth I don't feel like studying this evening - let's go out. - to feel able to do sth: feel*/be up to sth I didn't feel up to going to work this morning. - to do a piece of work or sth that you have been told to do: carry sth out, (formal) perform sth The policeman said he was only carrying out orders. ◎ to carry out repairs on a car ◎ The doctor performed the operation under very difficult circumstances. - to plan that an event will take place: hold* sth, put* sth on We're holding a farewell party for the summer students. ◎ We're planning to put on a special concert to mark James's retirement. - to do what is necessary in order to solve a problem, complete a task, etc: do* sth about sth, see* to sth, deal* with sb/sth You really must do something about your cough. ◎ Don't worry about the rest of the cleaning - I'll see to it. - to do sth urgently (in order to solve a problem, complete a task, etc): act There's no time to lose - we need to act now. - to say or do sth because of sth that has happened or sth that sb has said: respond (to sth), react (to sth); nouns (C/U): response, reaction to respond to criticism ◎ 'How did she react to your suggestions?' 'She was very sympathetic.' ◎ What was his reaction to the news? - to start doing sth which you used to do before: return to sth/doing sth, go*/come* back to sth/doing sth; noun: return When do you have to return to work? ◎ I don't want to go back to being unemployed! ◎ I'm looking forward to my return to work. ※ not doing sth - not to do sth that you were supposed to do: fail to do sth; noun: failure He failed to turn up for his interview this morning. ◎ your failure to complete the work on time - doing nothing; not active: inactive; noun (U): inactivity The machines lay inactive for weeks. ◎ a period of inactivity - to be present but do nothing in a situation: stand* by, stand* about/around They just stood by and watched while we did all the work.
2 different kinds of action - a thing that you do: action (noun C/U), act Of course everyone is responsible for their own actions. ◎ The noise finally became so bad that they decided to take action. ◎ That was a very kind act. - a situation in which there is a lot of action or movement: activity (noun U) constant activity - something that you do, usually regularly and for enjoyment: activity The school organizes lots of activities for the students. - the actual doing of sth rather than the ideas or theory: practice (noun U) It may be all right in theory but it won't work in practice. Note: to describe an action you can use 'of' after act but not after action an act (not action) of great kindness - the things that you have done; the knowledge or skill that you get from seeing or doing sth: experience (noun U); having a lot of experience of sth: experienced to have experience in the hotel trade ◎ You need to get some experience. ◎ Do you think she's experienced enough for this job?
3 doing sth with or for other people - to do sth with other people: take* part (in sth), join in (sth), (formal) participate (in sth) to take part in a game/play/competition ◎ The older children were playing outside but they wouldn't let any of the younger ones join in. - a person who takes part in sth: participant Most of the participants in the course are experienced professionals. - taking part in sth: involved (in sth) We still don't know how many people were involved in the robbery. ◎ I became involved in politics when I was at university. - to try to take part in sb's affairs when you and your help are not wanted: interfere (in sth); noun (U): interference Don't interfere - it's none of your business. - to do sth for sb else: act on sb's behalf We're acting on behalf of the local council.
4 the order in which things are done - a number of things that are done in a certain order for a particular purpose: process a production process ◎ the process of applying for a new passport - the actions that you must take in order to do sth in the correct or usual way: procedure I made a lot of mistakes because I don't know the correct procedure. - one action in a sequence of actions: step The first step is to choose your topic. Next, discuss it with your tutor. - the time when you must or may do sth: turn Whose turn is it? ◎ Now it was my turn to show what I was capable of. - one after the other: in turn We went up in turn to collect our prizes. - to do sth one after the other: take* turns (at doing sth) The children took turns at riding on the horse. - to wait until it is your turn to do sth: wait your turn There was a long queue, so we just had to wait our turn. - something that is most important, that you must do before anything else: priority This is number one on my list of priorities.
5 the time when sth is done - while doing sth: in the middle of sth/doing sth Don't disturb me now - I'm in the middle of writing some letters. - with very little time to prepare sth: at short notice I can't do this at such short notice; you should have told me about it weeks ago. - if you decide to do sth at the moment of doing it, you do it on the spur of the moment I decided to go to London on the spur of the moment; I hadn't planned to go at all. - not planned: spontaneous (adverb spontaneously) a spontaneous act of kindness - to decide not to do sth until a later time: delay sth/doing sth, put* sth off, put* off doing sth She always puts things off until the last minute and then she has to hurry to get them finished. - to finally do sth after doing other things; to find the necessary time to do sth: get* around to doing sth I didn't get around to phoning him today; I'll try and do it tomorrow. ※ more on delaying sth EARLY/LATE - going to do sth very soon: just about to do sth, on the point of doing sth I was just about to leave when the phone rang. ※ MORE ... - an action that you take because you want to achieve a particular result: move If you want to be friends again, you have to make the first move. - an action that is done for a special reason: measure The government are taking emergency measures to deal with crime. - to use a lot of care and effort in doing sth: take* the trouble to do sth It was very kind of you to take the trouble to come all that way just for the party. - to make a very special effort to do sth: go* out of your way (to do sth) He went out of his way to be kind to us . - to recognize and use a suitable time to do sth: take* the opportunity to do sth/of doing sth I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you all for coming here tonight.
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