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Từ điển WordNet v3.1 - WordNet Dictionary

I - noun
a representation of a person or scene in the form of a print or transparent slide;
recorded by a camera on light-sensitive material (Freq. 17)
photo, exposure, picture, pic
Derivationally related forms:
photographic, photography
beefcake, black and white, monochrome, blueprint, cheesecake,
closeup, daguerreotype, enlargement, blowup, magnification, frame,
glossy, headshot, hologram, holograph, longshot, microdot,
mosaic, arial mosaic, photomosaic, mug shot, mugshot, photocopy,
photographic print, print, photomicrograph, radiogram, radiograph, shadowgraph,
skiagraph, skiagram, snapshot, snap, shot, spectrogram,
spectrograph, stereo, stereoscopic picture, stereoscopic photograph, still, telephotograph,
telephoto, time exposure, vignette, wedding picture, scene

II - verb
1. record on photographic film (Freq. 9)
- I photographed the scene of the accident
- She snapped a picture of the President
snap, shoot
Derivationally related forms:
snap (for: snap), photographer
photography, picture taking
record, enter, put down
retake, x-ray
Verb Group:
film, shoot, take
Verb Frames:
- Somebody ----s
- Somebody ----s something
- Somebody ----s somebody
2. undergo being photographed in a certain way (Freq. 1)
- Children photograph well
Verb Frames:
- Something ----s
- Somebody ----s

▼ Từ liên quan / Related words
Related search result for "photograph"

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