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Từ điển WordNet v3.1 - WordNet Dictionary

the act or process of assigning numbers to phenomena according to a rule
- the measurements were carefully done
- his mental measurings proved remarkably accurate
measurement, measuring, measure
Derivationally related forms:
mensurate, measure (for: measure), measure (for: measuring), measure (for: measurement)
seismography, quantitative analysis, quantitative chemical analysis, actinometry, algometry,
anemography, anemometry, angulation, anthropometry, arterial blood gases, audiometry,
bathymetry, plumbing, calorimetry, cephalometry, densitometry, dosimetry,
fetometry, foetometry, hydrometry, gravimetry, hypsometry, hypsography,
mental measurement, micrometry, observation, pelvimetry, photometry, quantification,
radioactive dating, reading, meter reading, sampling, sounding, sound ranging,
scaling, spirometry, surveying, telemetry, thermometry, thermogravimetry,
tonometry, viscometry, viscosimetry

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