Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th
hurt [hurt hurts hurting] verb, adjective, noun BrE [hɜːt] NAmE [hɜːrt] verb (hurt, hurt) 1. transitive, intransitive ~ (sb/sth/yourself) to cause physical pain to sb/yourself; to injure sb/yourself • He hurt his back playing squash. • Did you hurt yourself? •Stop it. You're hurting me. •My back is really hurting me today. •Strong light hurts my eyes. •My shoes hurt— they're too tight. 2. intransitive to feel painful • My feet hurt. • Ouch! That hurt! •It hurts when I bend my knee. 3. intransitive, transitive to make sb unhappy or upset • What really hurt was that he never answered my letter. •~ sb/sth I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. •I didn't want to hurt his feelings. •it hurts (sb) to do sth It hurt me to think that he would lie to me. 4. intransitive be hurting (informal)to feel unhappy or upset •I know you're hurting and I want to help you. 5. transitive ~ sb/sth to have a bad effect on sb/sth • Many people on low incomes will be hurt by the government's plans. • Hard work never hurt anyone. 6. intransitive be hurting (for sth) (NAmE)to be in a difficult situation because you need sth, especially money •His campaign is already hurting for money. more at not harm/hurt a fly at ↑fly n., hit sb where it hurts at ↑hit v. Verb forms: Word Origin: Middle English (originally in the senses ‘ to strike’ and ‘a blow’): from Old French hurter (verb), hurt (noun), perhaps ultimately of Germanic origin. Thesaurus: hurt verb 1. T, I •He hurt his back playing squash. injure • • wound • • bruise • • sprain • • strain • • pull • • tear • • twist • hurt/injure/strain yourself hurt/injure/sprain/strain/pull/tear a muscle hurt/injure/sprain/twist your ankle/foot/knee hurt/injure/strain your back/shoulder/eyes Hurt or injure? You can hurt or injure a part of the body in an accident. Hurt emphasizes the physical pain caused; injure emphasizes that the part of the body has been damaged in some way. 2. I •My feet hurt. ache • • sting • • throb • • burn • • itch • your eyes hurt/ache/sting/burn/itch your skin hurts/stings/burns/itches your head hurts/aches/throbs your stomach/tummy hurts/aches 3. T, I •It hurt me to think that he would lie to me. upset • • distress • • break sb's heart • |formal sadden • • pain • |written sting • |literary wound • It hurt/upset/distressed/saddened/pained me to see/think/know… It breaks my heart to see/think/know… hurt/wound sb's feelings not want/not mean to hurt/upset/distress/wound sb Hurt or upset? Hurt is used especially to talk about sb you like or trust doing sth to make you unhappy. Being upset can be sth that sb does partly willingly: •Don't upset yourself about it. ✗ Don't hurt yourself about it.: •Try not to let him upset you. ✗ Try not to let him hurt you. 4. T •Hard work never hurt anyone. harm • • damage • • compromise • |formal impair • hurt/harm/damage/compromise/impair sb's chances hurt/harm/damage/compromise sb's reputation hurt/harm/damage sb's interests/image Hurt, damage, or harm? Hurt is less formal than damage or harm. Harm is often used to talk about the ways in which things such as animals, wildlife and the environment are affected by human activity. Collocations: Injuries Being injured have a fall/an injury receive/suffer/sustain a serious injury/a hairline fracture/(especially BrE) whiplash/a gunshot wound hurt/injure your ankle/back/leg damage the brain/an ankle ligament/your liver/the optic nerve/the skin pull/strain/tear a hamstring/ligament/muscle/tendon sprain/twist your ankle/wrist break a bone/your collarbone/your leg/three ribs fracture/crack your skull break/chip/knock out/lose a tooth burst/perforate your eardrum dislocate your finger/hip/jaw/shoulder bruise/cut/graze your arm/knee/shoulder burn/scald yourself/your tongue bang/bump/hit/ (informal) bash your elbow/head/knee (on/against sth) Treating injuries treat sb for burns/a head injury/a stab wound examine/clean/dress/bandage/treat a bullet wound repair a damaged/torn ligament/tendon/cartilage amputate/cut off an arm/a finger/a foot/a leg/a limb put on/ (formal) apply/take off (especially NAmE) a Band-Aid™/(BrE) a plaster/a bandage need/require/put in/ (especially BrE) have (out)/ (NAmE) get (out) stitches put on/rub on/ (formal) apply cream/ointment/lotion have/receive/undergo (BrE) physiotherapy/(NAmE) physical therapy Synonyms: damage hurt • harm • impair These words all mean to have a bad effect on sb/sth. damage • to cause physical harm to sth, making it less attractive, useful or valuable; to have a bad effect on sb/sth's life, health, happiness or chances of success: ▪ The fire badly damaged the town hall. ◇ ▪ emotionally damaged children hurt • (rather informal) to have a bad effect on sb/sth's life, health, happiness or chances of success: ▪ Hard work never hurt anyone. harm • to have a bad effect on sb/sth's life, health, happiness or chances of success: ▪ Pollution can harm marine life. damage, hurt or harm? Hurt is slightly less formal than damage or harm, especially when it is used in negative statements: ▪ It won't hurt him to have to wait a bit. ◇ It won't damage/harm him to have to wait a bit. Harm is also often used to talk about ways in which things in the natural world such as wildlife and the environment are affected by human activity. impair • (rather formal) to damage sb's health, abilities or chances: ▪ Even one drink can impair driving performance. to damage/hurt/harm/impair sb's chances to damage/hurt/harm sb's interests/reputation to damage/harm/impair sb's health to seriously/greatly damage/hurt/harm/impair sb/sth to badly/severely damage/hurt/impair sb/sth Synonyms: hurt ache • burn • sting • tingle • itch • throb These are all words that can be used when part of your body feels painful. hurt • (of part of your body) to feel painful; (of an action) to cause pain: ▪ My feet hurt. ◇ ▪ Ouch! That hurt! ache • to feel a continuous dull pain: ▪ I'm aching all over. burn • (of part of your body) to feel very hot and painful: ▪ Our eyes were burning from the chemicals in the air. sting • to make sb feel a sharp burning pain or uncomfortable feeling in part of their body; (of part of your body) to feel this pain: ▪ My eyes were stinging from the smoke. tingle • (of part of your body) to feel as if a lot of small sharp points are pushing into the skin there: ▪ The cold air made her face tingle. itch • to have an uncomfortable feeling on your skin that makes you want to scratch; to make your skin feel like this: ▪ I itch all over. ◇ ▪ Does the rash itch? throb • (of part of your body) to feel pain as a series of regular beats: ▪ His head throbbed painfully. your eyes hurt/ache/burn/sting/itch your skin hurts/burns/stings/tingles/itches your flesh hurts/burns/stings/tingles your head hurts/aches/throbs your stomach hurts/aches to really hurt/ache/burn/sting/tingle/itch/throb to hurt/ache/sting/itch badly/a lot It hurts/stings/tingles/itches. Synonyms: injure wound • hurt • bruise • sprain • pull • strain These words all mean to harm yourself or sb else physically, especially in an accident. injure • to harm yourself or sb else physically, especially in an accident: ▪ He injured his knee playing hockey. ◇ ▪ Three people were injured in the crash. wound • [often passive] (rather formal) to injure part of the body, especially by making a hole in the skin using a weapon: ▪ 50 people were seriously wounded in the attack. Wound is often used to talk about people being hurt in war or in other attacks which affect a lot of people. hurt • to cause physical pain to sb/yourself; to injure sb/yourself: ▪ Did you hurt yourself? injure or hurt? You can hurt or injure a part of the body in an accident. Hurt emphasizes the physical pain caused; injure emphasizes that the part of the body has been damaged in some way. bruise • to make a blue, brown or purple mark (= a bruise) appear on the skin after sb has fallen or been hit; to develop a bruise sprain • to injure part of your body, especially your ankle, wrist or knee, by suddenly bending it in an awkward way, causing pain and swelling pull • to damage a muscle, etc, by using too much force strain • to injure yourself or part of your body by making it work too hard: ▪ Don't strain your eyes by reading in poor light. to injure/hurt/strain yourself to injure/hurt/sprain/pull/strain a muscle to injure/hurt/sprain your ankle/foot/knee/wrist/hand to injure/hurt/strain your back/shoulder/eyes to injure/hurt your spine/neck to be badly/severely/slightly injured/wounded/hurt/bruised/sprained Example Bank: •Are you deliberately trying to hurt me? •Does it hurt a lot? •Her remarks hurt him deeply. •I knew it was going to hurt— but not that much! •I never meant to hurt anyone. •I was shaken, but not actually hurt. •My ankle still hurts quite badly. •No one was seriously hurt in the accident. •Ouch! It really hurts. •She fell and hurt her leg quite badly. •They never told me why and that really hurt. •Why would I want to hurt her? •High interest rates are hurting the local economy. •I didn't want to hurt his feelings. •I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. •It hurts when I bend my knee. •Many people on low incomes will be hurt by the government's plans. •My shoes hurt— they're too tight. •Stop it. You're hurting me. Idiom: ↑it won't hurt adjective 1. injured physically • None of the passengers were badly hurt. Opp: ↑unhurt 2. upset and offended by sth that sb has said or done •a hurt look/expression • She was deeply hurt that she had not been invited. • Martha's hurt pride showed in her eyes. Word Origin: Middle English (originally in the senses ‘ to strike’ and ‘a blow’): from Old French hurter (verb), hurt (noun), perhaps ultimately of Germanic origin. Thesaurus: hurt adj. 1. not usually before noun •None of the passengers was badly hurt. injured • • wounded • • bruised • • bad • Opp: unhurt a/an injured/wounded/bruised/bad arm/leg/shoulder/knee an injured/a wounded man/woman/person badly/slightly hurt/injured/wounded/bruised 2. •She was deeply hurt by his remarks. upset • • distressed • • devastated • • dismayed • hurt/upset/distressed/devastated/dismayed by sth hurt/upset/distressed/devastated/dismayed that… feel/look hurt/upset/distressed/devastated/dismayed Example Bank: •Steve didn't look seriously hurt. •Stop that or you'll get hurt! •Martha's hurt pride showed in her eyes. •None of the passengers was badly hurt. •a hurt look/expression noun uncountable, singular (rather informal) a feeling of unhappiness because sb has been unkind or unfair to you • There was hurt and real anger in her voice. • It was a hurt that would take a long time to heal. Word Origin: Middle English (originally in the senses ‘ to strike’ and ‘a blow’): from Old French hurter (verb), hurt (noun), perhaps ultimately of Germanic origin. Example Bank: •He knew that he had caused his boyfriend a lot of hurt. •I could see the hurt in her eyes. •She knew that she had caused her husband a lot of hurt. •the deep hurt that he felt when Jane left him
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