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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

drama AW [drama dramas] BrE [ˈdrɑːmə] NAmE [ˈdrɑːmə] noun
1. countable a play for the theatre, television or radio
a costume/historical, etc. drama
2. uncountable plays considered as a form of literature
classical/Elizabethan/modern, etc. drama
a drama critic
drama school
a drama student
I studied English and Drama at college.
3. countable an exciting event
A powerful human drama was unfolding before our eyes.
4. uncountable the fact of being exciting
You couldn't help being thrilled by the drama of the situation.
Idiom:make a drama out of something

Word Origin:
early 16th cent.: via late Latin from Greek drama, from dran ‘do, act’.

drama noun
1. C
a courtroom drama serialized on TV
play • • comedy • • tragedy • • farce
a television/radio drama/play/comedy
a historical drama/play
2. U
Television drama is a powerful cultural medium.
acting • • the stage • • show business • • the performing arts • |BrE theatre • |AmE theater • |informal showbiz
improvisational/serious drama/acting/theatre
classical/Elizabethan/modern drama/theatre
a drama/stage/acting/performing arts/theatre school

Example Bank:
Art should deal with the human drama and tragedy of everyday life.
He's a drama major at Howard University.
It is very difficult to write good drama.
Millions follow this hospital drama twice a week.
She stars in a new one-hour drama about a woman judge.
The actor was involved in a real-life drama when he was held up at gunpoint last night.
The afternoon was full of drama and excitement.
The argument added a touch of drama to an otherwise dull day.
The arrival of the police heightened the drama further.
The media loved all the drama surrounding their divorce.
The movie is a heart-warming family drama.
a collection of people watching the drama unfold outside the nightclub
a gritty police drama
a powerful television drama about city life
the actors in a drama
the drama critic for the ‘Sunday Times’
the first episode of a new police drama produced for television
It is a lavish costume drama set in the early twentieth century.
Television drama is a powerful cultural medium.
The story easily fits into the standard mould of a courtroom drama.

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