Chuyển bộ gõ

Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

boom [boom booms boomed booming] noun, verb BrE [buːm] NAmE [buːm]
1. a sudden increase in trade and economic activity; a period of wealth and success
Living standards improved rapidly during the post-war boom.
~ in sth a boom in car sales
a boom year (for trade, exports, etc.)
a property/housing boom
a chaotic period of boom and bust
compare slump
see also baby boom  
2. usually singular a period when sth such as a sport or a type of music suddenly becomes very popular and successful
The only way to satisfy the golf boom was to build more courses.  
3. a long pole that the bottom of a sail is attached to and that you move to change the position of the sail  
4. usually singular a loud deep sound
the distant boom of the guns
see also sonic boom  
5. a floating barrier that is placed across a river or the entrance to a ↑harbour to prevent ships or other objects from coming in or going out  
6. a long pole that carries a ↑microphone or other equipment

Word Origin:
n. sense 4 and v. senses 1 to 2 late Middle English Dutch bommen ‘to hum, buzz’ n. senses 1 to 2 and v. sense 3 late 19th cent. ↑boom ‘a loud sound’ n. sense 3 and n. senses 5 to 6 mid 16th cent. ‘beam, pole’ Dutch ↑beam

The economy
Managing the economy
handle/run/manage the economy
boost investment/spending/employment/growth
stimulate demand/the economy/industry
cut/reduce investment/spending/borrowing
reduce/curb/control/keep down inflation
create/fuel growth/demand/a boom/a bubble
encourage/foster/promote/stimulate/stifle innovation/competition
encourage/work with/compete with the private sector
increase/boost/promote US/agricultural exports
ban/restrict/block cheap/foreign imports
the economy grows/expands/shrinks/contracts/slows (down)/recovers/improves/is booming
enjoy an economic/housing/property boom
Economic problems
push up/drive up prices/costs/inflation
damage/hurt/destroy industry/the economy
cause/lead to/go into/avoid/escape recession
experience/suffer a recession/downturn
fight/combat inflation/deflation/unemployment
cause/create inflation/poverty/unemployment
create/burst a housing/stock market bubble
cause/trigger a stock market crash/the collapse of the banking system
face/be plunged into a financial/an economic crisis
be caught in/experience cycles of boom and bust
Public finance
cut/reduce/slash/increase/double the defence/(especially US) defense/education/aid budget
increase/boost/slash/cut public spending
increase/put up/raise/cut/lower/reduce taxes
raise/cut/lower/reduce interest rates
ease/loosen/tighten monetary policy
balance the (state/federal) budget
achieve/maintain a balanced budget
run a ($4 trillion) budget deficit/surplus
more collocations at ↑politics, ↑voting

Example Bank:
He was born during the post-war baby boom.
The boom was fuelled by accelerated demand for consumer products.
The deep boom of a foghorn echoed across the bay.
We heard the sonic boom of a jet overhead.
a boom in house prices
a boom in real estate
the baby boom generation
the ordinary business cycle of boom and bust
A sonic boom is produced when an aircraft travels faster than the speed of sound.
The deafening boom of the explosion was heard up to 10 kilometres away.
a boom year for exports
a property/housing boom

1. intransitive to make a loud deep sound
Outside, thunder boomed and crashed.
2. transitive, intransitive to say sth in a loud deep voice
+ speech ‘Get out of my sight!’ he boomed.
~ (out) A voice boomed out from the darkness.
He had a booming voice.  
3. intransitive to have a period of rapid growth; to become bigger, more successful, etc
By the 1980s, the computer industry was booming.
Business is booming!
Verb forms:

Word Origin:
n. sense 4 and v. senses 1 to 2 late Middle English Dutch bommen ‘to hum, buzz’ n. senses 1 to 2 and v. sense 3 late 19th cent. ↑boom ‘a loud sound’ n. sense 3 and n. senses 5 to 6 mid 16th cent. ‘beam, pole’ Dutch ↑beam

Example Bank:
A voice from the loudspeaker boomed out, ‘Good evening, ladies and gentlemen’.
Loud music boomed from the public-address system.
A crash of thunder boomed so loudly that the floor shook.
The club scene was booming.
The ship's gun boomed and the shot fell only a hundred metres away.
Tourist numbers have boomed in recent years.


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