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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

shelf [shelf shelves] BrE [ʃelf] NAmE [ʃelf] noun (pl. shelvesBrE [ʃelvz] ; NAmE [ʃelvz] )
1. a flat board, made of wood, metal, glass, etc, fixed to the wall or forming part of a cupboard/closet, ↑bookcase, etc, for things to be placed on
I helped him put up some shelves in his bedroom.
The book I wanted was on the top shelf.
supermarket/library shelves
empty shelves
2. (geology)a thing shaped like a shelf, especially a piece of rock sticking out from a ↑cliff or from the edge of a mass of land under the sea
the continental shelf
see also shelve
Idioms:off the shelf on the shelf

Word Origin:
Middle English: from Middle Low German schelf; related to Old English scylfe ‘partition’, scylf ‘crag’.

Decorating and home improvement
refurbish/renovate/ (BrE) do up a building/a house
convert a building/house/room into homes/offices/(especially NAmE) apartments/(BrE) flats
extend/enlarge a house/building/room/kitchen
build (BrE) an extension (to the back/rear of a house)/(NAmE) an addition (on/to sth)/(BrE) a conservatory
knock down/demolish a house/home/building/wall
knock out/through the wall separating two rooms
furnish/paint/ (especially BrE) decorate a home/house/apartment/flat/room
be decorated in bright colours/(especially US) colors/in a traditional style/with flowers/with paintings
paint/plaster the walls/ceiling
hang/put up/strip off/remove the wallpaper
install/replace/remove the bathroom fixtures/(BrE) fittings
build/put up shelves
lay wooden flooring/timber decking/floor tiles/a carpet/a patio
put up/hang/take down a picture/painting/poster/curtain
DIY/home improvement
do (BrE) DIY/carpentry/the plumbing/the wiring
make home improvements
add/install central heating/underfloor heating/insulation
fit/install double-glazing/a smoke alarm
insulate your house/your home/the walls/the pipes/the tanks/(especially BrE) the loft
fix/repair a roof/a leak/a pipe/the plumbing/a leaking (especially BrE) tap/(NAmE usually) faucet
block/clog (up)/unblock/unclog a pipe/sink
make/drill/fill a hole
hammer (in)/pull out/remove a nail
tighten/untighten/loosen/remove a screw
saw/cut/treat/stain/varnish/paint wood

go/go out/be out shopping
go to (especially BrE) the shops/(especially NAmE) a store/(especially NAmE) the mall
do (BrE) the shopping/(especially NAmE) the grocery shopping/a bit of window-shopping
(NAmE, informal) hit/hang out at the mall
try on clothes/shoes
indulge in some retail therapy
go on a spending spree
cut/cut back on/reduce your spending
be/get caught shoplifting
donate sth to/take sth to/find sth in (BrE) a charity shop/(NAmE) a thrift store
buy/sell/find sth at (BrE) a car boot sale/(BrE) a jumble sale/a garage sale/(NAmE) a yard sale
find/get/pick up a bargain
At the shop/store
load/push/wheel (BrE) a trolley/(NAmE) a cart
stand in/wait in (BrE) the checkout queue/(NAmE) the checkout line
(NAmE) stand in line/ (BrE) queue at the checkout
bag (especially NAmE) (your) groceries
pack (away) (especially BrE) your shopping
stack/stock/restock the shelves at a store (with sth)
be (found) on/appear on supermarket/shop/store shelves
be in/have in/be out of/run out of stock
deal with/help/serve customers
run a special promotion
be on special offer
Buying goods
make/complete a purchase
buy/purchase sth online/by mail order
make/place/take an order for sth
buy/order sth in bulk/in advance
accept/take credit cards
pay (in) cash/by (credit/debit) card/(BrE) with a gift voucher/(NAmE) with a gift certificate
enter your PIN number
ask for/get/obtain a receipt
return/exchange an item/a product
be entitled to/ask for/demand a refund
compare prices
offer (sb)/give (sb)/get/receive a 30% discount

Example Bank:
He took a book down from the top shelf.
He's got a job stocking shelves in a supermarket.
Her diaries just sat on the shelf for years.
Hundreds of books lined the shelves.
I can't reach the top shelf.
I knocked it off the shelf by accident.
I put the box back on the shelf.
I've cleared a shelf in the bedroom for you.
She reached for the shelf next to the bed.
She scanned the shelves of the library for new books.
She soon learned how to put up her own shelves.
Shelves lined the walls behind the long counter.
Souvenirs filled the shelves.
The DVD is flying off the shelves.
The book deserves a place on everyone's shelves.
The cabinet has three shelves.
The fridge had three shelves.
The medicine has a shelf life of six months.
The shelves were packed with dolls of every shape and size.
The supermarket immediately removed the product from its shelves.
The supermarket shelves were bare.
The walls of her study were lined with shelves.
Their new CD hits the shelves in May.
a shelf of books on economics

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