Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 water and its different forms 2 being in water 3 water in the home and garden 4 water in the street and countryside see also LIQUID
1 water and its different forms - the clear liquid that falls as rain and is in seas, rivers and lakes: water (noun U) a glass of water ◎ rainwater ◎ sea water ◎ deep/shallow water - a very small rounded mass of water (or other liquid): drop a raindrop ◎ a drop of rain ◎ a teardrop - water in very small drops on a surface or in the air: moisture (noun U) - water that is clean and not mixed with anything else is pure pure water - water with salt in: salt water - salt water from the sea: sea water - water that is not sea water: fresh water; living in fresh water: freshwater freshwater fish ※ dirty water - if water is not easy to see through, it is murky; opposite: clear The water in the pond was very murky and we could not see the bottom. ◎ the clear blue sea - if water is not flowing and is dirty, with an unpleasant smell, it is stagnant - soft, wet earth: mud (noun U); adjective: muddy muddy water - a dirty or unpleasant substance on the surface of a liquid: scum (noun U) The river was covered in scum caused by waste from a local factory. ※ water for drinking - water that is safe to drink: drinking water - water for drinking that contains natural minerals: mineral water I'll have a mineral water please. - water containing bubbles of gas: sparkling/fizzy/carbonated water; opposite: still water - water from the tap rather than a bottle: tap water ※ movement of water - to move in a continuous way: flow, run* a fast-flowing river ◎ This stream runs into the Thames. - a raised line of water moving on the surface of water, especially the sea: wave - a very small wave or movement on the surface of the water: ripple There were tiny ripples of water where the fish had come to the surface. ※ more on the movement of water and other liquids LIQUID - the sea SEA ※ water at different temperatures - to reach a high temperature where bubbles rise to the surface and the liquid changes to a gas: boil; to heat a liquid until it boils: boil sth Water boils at 100※° Celsius. ◎ boiling water ◎ The water here is not clean and you should boil it before you drink it. - the temperature at which a liquid boils: boiling point - the hot gas that water changes into when it boils: steam (noun U) We stopped the car because there was steam coming out of the engine. - water that is very cold and has become solid: ice (noun U) - to change from water into ice: freeze*; adjective: frozen - the temperature at which water freezes: freezing point ※ more on ice ICE - the small drops of liquid that form when steam or warm air touches a cold surface: condensation (noun U) When we woke up in the morning, there was condensation on the windows. - to change from a liquid into steam or a gas and disappear: evaporate; noun (U): evaporation If you boil liquid, the water evaporates and the liquid gets thicker. - small drops of water that form on plants, etc during the night: dew (noun U) ※ adjectives to describe hot or cold water or other liquids LIQUID
2 being in water - water that goes a long way down is deep; opposite: shallow a deep puddle ◎ the shallow end of the swimming pool - how deep sth is: depth (noun C/U) ※ more on depth DEEP - to die in water because you cannot breathe: drown, be drowned; to kill sb/sth in this way: drown (sb/sth) She fell over the edge of the boat and drowned/was drowned. - in, and covered by, water: under water The divers stayed under water for several minutes. - existing or happening under water: underwater (adjective, adverb) an underwater tunnel ◎ to swim underwater - to go under water: submerge; to make sth do this: submerge sth; adjective: submerged We could see the submarine submerging. ◎ Several streets were completely submerged by the floods. - to go down to the bottom of the water: sink*; to make sth go down: sink* sth Many ships have sunk in this part of the channel. ◎ They sank their boat quite deliberately. - to stay on or at the surface of a liquid: float We could see something floating on the surface of the pond. - on the surface of the water; not sinking: afloat (not before a noun) They tried to keep the boat afloat as the water started to come in. - to move your body through water: swim* - sports that people do in the water: water sports ※ more on swimming and other sports SWIM, SPORT - to walk with bare feet in shallow water: paddle We went paddling in the sea - it was too cold to swim. - to walk with difficulty through fairly deep water, mud, etc: wade He waded into the river to try and rescue the dog. - covered in a liquid, especially water: wet soaking wet clothes - completely wet: soaked I got absolutely soaked in the rain. - to make sth completely wet: soak sth (in sth) - material (especially for clothes) that does not let water go through is waterproof a waterproof jacket/watch ※ more on being wet WET/DRY
3 water in the home and garden - to move the top part of a tap so that water comes out: turn the tap on; opposite: turn the tap off - to cause water to flow: run* sth If you run the tap for a few seconds, the water will get hot. - water which is available from a tap or which is coming out of a tap is running (water) We stayed in a horrible hotel which had no running water. - to clean sb/sth or yourself using water and usually soap: wash (sb/sth); noun: wash I'll give my face a quick wash and then we'll go. ※ more on washing WASH - the room where you wash BATHROOM - to give water to plants (using a watering can or hosepipe, for example): water sth Don't forget to water the plants. ◎ The tomatoes need watering. ※ systems which bring water to your house - a hollow tube that carries gas or liquid: pipe a water pipe ◎ the hot-water pipe - a large pipe that carries water to a building: water main, mains (with singular or plural verb) If you want to replace that pipe, you'll have to turn the water off at the mains. - a container for holding water (often kept at the top of the house or in the roof): (water) tank - a metal container used for supplying hot water in a house: boiler, hot-water tank - all the pipes, water tanks, etc in a building: plumbing (noun U) We need to get somebody to look at the plumbing. - a person whose job it is to put in and repair pipes, baths, sinks etc: plumber ※ more on pipes PIPE - the system of providing and storing water: water supply to turn on/off the water supply - to stop the supply of water to sb: cut* sb/sth off They cut us off, because we hadn't paid our water bill. - a situation where there is not enough water: (water) shortage ※ dirty water which leaves the house - a pipe or hole that dirty water goes down to be carried away: drain to go down the drain ◎ a blocked drain - to flow away: drain (away); to make a liquid flow away: drain sth I've pulled out the plug but the water isn't draining away. - a pipe which goes down the side of a building, especially one that carries water from the roof to a drain: drainpipe - a system used for draining water away, especially from land: drainage (noun U) drainage channels ※ waste water from toilets TOILET
4 water in the street and countryside - a stream of water that flows down to the sea from higher ground: river The river flows through the centre of the town. - a small river: stream A small stream ran along the side of the field. - a long narrow hole that has been dug into the ground, especially along the side of a road or field for water to flow through: ditch a muddy ditch - a channel that is cut through land so that boats and ships can travel along it or so that water can flow to an area where it is needed: canal the Panama Canal ※ more on rivers RIVER - a large area of water that is surrounded by land: lake (in Scotland loch) - a small area of water (often in a park or a garden): pond They had a fish pond in their back garden. - a small shallow area of water: pool The children played in the rock pools on the beach. - a small amount of water (especially rain that has gathered on the ground): puddle - an area of soft wet land: swamp, marsh, bog; adjectives: swampy, marshy, boggy marshy land ◎ a boggy field - a stream of water that falls down from a cliff or rock: waterfall - an ornament (in a garden or in a town) that shoots a stream of water into the air: fountain - a place where water comes up naturally from under the ground: spring - a deep hole in the ground from which water is obtained: well to draw water from a well - a place in the desert where there is water and where plants grow: oasis (plural oases) - (especially after heavy rain) a large amount of water that covers an area that is normally dry: flood There have been terrible floods all over the country. - to be filled with a very large amount of water: flood; to cause this to happen: flood sth If the rain continues, the rivers will flood. ◎ Large areas of farmland have been flooded. - when the amount of water (in a flood, for example) becomes less, the water subsides After a few days, the floods subsided. - a large lake where water is stored: reservoir - a wall built across a river to hold back the water and form a lake or a reservoir: dam - a machine that is used for forcing a gas or a liquid in a particular direction: pump a water pump - to force a gas or liquid to go in a particular direction: pump sth Our drinking water is pumped directly from the river. - to supply land and crops with water by means of pipes, channels, etc: irrigate sth; the system of supplying water in this way: irrigation (noun U) irrigated land ◎ an irrigation channel ※ MORE ... - (used about an animal or plant) living in water: aquatic aquatic plants
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