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Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary

1 putting words on paper, etc
2 spelling, punctuation and grammar
3 listening and copying
4 things which people write
5 writing something
see also

1 putting words on paper, etc
- to put words or letters on paper, using a pen, pencil, etc: write* (sth)
to be able to read and write I can't write neatly with a biro. Can you write your name and address here, please?
- to write information on a form: fill in a form
I had to fill in an application form for this job.
- material that is used for writing and drawing on: paper (noun U)
a sheet/piece of paper
- a number of sheets of paper, joined together at one side, often used for making notes: pad (of paper), notepad, notebook
- paper used for writing letters: notepaper (noun U), writing paper (noun U)
※ more on paper PAPER
- a table that you sit at when writing or studying: desk
He was sitting at his desk writing letters.
※—† writing with a pen, pencil, etc
- instruments that you can use for writing: pen, pencil
I write my notes in pencil.
- a hard, white substance used for writing on a blackboard: chalk (noun U)
a piece of chalk
- a small piece of material that you use to remove pencil marks: rubber (especially AmE eraser)
- to remove pencil marks using a rubber: rub sth out (especially AmE erase)
Rub it out and try again.
※ more on pens, pencils, etc PEN/PENCIL
- the way that you write by hand: handwriting (noun U), writing (noun U)
Your handwriting is terrible! It'd be better if you typed your work.
- something that is written by hand, not typed, is handwritten
a handwritten message
- to write letters which are not joined together, as in a book: print sth
Print your name please, with one letter in each box.
- your name, written by hand in a special way so that nobody else can copy it: signature
Do you need my signature on this form?
- to put your signature on sth: sign (sth)
Sign here, please.
- if sb's handwriting or other words are clear enough to be read easily, the writing is legible (adverb legibly); opposite: illegible (adverb illegibly)
to write legibly I prefer to type my essays - my handwriting's virtually illegible.
- to write in a very untidy way: scribble (sth), scrawl (sth); nouns (C/U): scribble, scrawl
He scribbled something on a piece of paper. What a horrible scrawl! How am I supposed to read that?
※—† using a machine for writing
- a machine used for writing: typewriter; to write using a typewriter: type (sth); a person whose job is to type letters, reports, etc: typist
to type a report I need to learn to type.
- a kind of small computer used for writing: word processor; knowledge of how to use a word processor: word processing (noun U)
Can you use a word processor?
※ computers COMPUTER
※—† being able to write
- the ability to read and write: literacy (noun U); opposite: illiteracy (noun U)
- a person who can read and write is literate; opposite: illiterate

2 spelling, punctuation and grammar
- to write or say the letters of a word in the correct way: spell (sth)
- the way that a word is spelt; the act of spelling or the ability to spell: spelling (noun C/U)
How do you spell your surname? I can't spell. Can you spell that for me, please? Your ideas are good but you need to improve your spelling. The teacher gave the children a list of spellings to learn.
- to spell sth wrongly: misspell sth
※ more on letters and words LETTER, WORD
- the marks that you use in writing to show divisions in sentences or to show meaning: punctuation (noun U); one piece of punctuation: punctuation mark
You need a punctuation mark here - a dash or a semicolon.
- a row of words on a page: line
You should start a new line here.
- the empty space at the side of a page: margin
I've made some notes in the margin.
- to put a line under a word or group of words to show that they have a particular importance: underline sth
Don't forget to underline the title of the book or journal you used.
※ more on punctuation PUNCTUATION
- a group of words that expresses a statement, a question, etc: sentence
- the way in which words, sentences, etc are formed and used in a language: grammar (noun U); if sth that you say or write follows the rules of grammar correctly, it is grammatical; opposite: ungrammatical
- a section of writing which covers a particular idea: paragraph
- the words in a book, not the pictures, etc: text
※ more on grammar GRAMMAR

3 listening and copying
- to say or read aloud a letter, a message, etc, while sb else writes it down: dictate sth; noun (U): dictation
to dictate a letter to take dictation
- to write down words at the same time as sb says them: take* sth down
Could you take down this letter, please.
- a system for writing words and sentences in short forms, so that you can write things very quickly: shorthand (noun U)
to take sth down in shorthand
- a test in which you have to write down sth that is said aloud: dictation (noun C/U)
- to write down words which are written on a blackboard, screen, etc: copy sth down
He wrote the vocabulary on the board and the students copied it down.
- to write down words which are written in a book: copy sth (out), copy sth out of sth
Copy out the questions on page 15. This isn't your own work - it's all copied out of a book!

4 things that people write
- a number of sheets of paper, with words printed or written on them, fastened in a cover: book
- novels, poems and plays, which are considered to be of high quality and an important part of a country's culture: literature (noun U)
※ different kinds of book BOOK
- literature LITERATURE, PLAY 1, POEM
- a short piece of writing on one subject: essay
I'm writing an essay on Shakespeare's sonnets.
- a long piece of writing which you may have to write as part of a university degree: dissertation, thesis (plural theses)
Have you decided what your dissertation's going to be about yet?
- a shortened form of a piece of writing that contains only the most important information: précis, summary
- a piece of writing that describes sth that happened: report (of/on sth); verb: report (on) sth
I've been asked to write a report about my business trip to Spain. The trial was reported in detail in all the newspapers.
- a book in which you write down what has happened to you each day: diary
I've started writing a diary since my baby was born. You should keep a diary of your trip to Australia.
- a short written account of what has happened: record; verb: record sth
Can you write down what you talked about at the meeting? - just so that we have a record for next time. I've recorded all the details of the meeting.
- something that you have recorded is on record
It's all on record, so don't worry if you forget anything.
- a written message which you send to sb: letter
Did you get my letter this morning?
※ more on letters and other written messages LETTER
- a number of words written one after another, often used to help you remember sth: list
a shopping list
- a piece of paper on which you write some information and which you stick on the wall for people to read: notice
The lecture's been postponed till next week - didn't you see the notice?
- a large notice, often with a picture, giving information about concerts, etc: poster
There are posters up all over the university advertising next week's concert.

5 writing something
- to create a book, story, report, etc and write it on paper: write* sth
I must write some letters this afternoon.
- the act of writing: writing (noun U)
I've got a lot of writing to do this term.
- a person who writes, especially one who writes books: writer
'What does he do?' 'He's a writer.'
- a person who has written a particular book: author
She's the author of several well-known children's books.
- a piece of writing by a particular author: work
a new work by Kazuo Ishiguro the complete works of W.B. Yeats
- to write concerning a particular subject: write* (sth) about/on sb/sth
I wrote a poem about winter.
- to produce a piece of writing using careful thought: (formal) compose sth
I need your help to compose a letter to my bank manager.
- to write some particular piece of information on to a page: write* sth down, get* sth down
Write the number down so you don't forget it. Could you repeat that? - I didn't have time to get it down.
- to write sth in a particular place: write*/put* sth ※€¦
Write the answer here. Put your name at the top of the page.
- to quickly write a few words to help you to remember sth: jot sth down, note sth down
I jotted the address down on a piece of paper but I've no idea where I put it.
- the name of a book, story, etc: title
What's the title of the book you're reading?
- the title of a section in a book, article, etc: heading
This paragraph needs a heading.
- the words you use to say sth: wording (noun singular)
I think you need to change the wording of this sentence.
- the way that sb usually writes; a recognized way of writing: style
a clear, economical style in the style of Jane Austen
- the ideas, information, etc that a piece of writing contains: content
※ different styles of language LANGUAGE
※—† planning and changing what you write
- a piece of writing that is unfinished and that can still be changed: draft; verb: draft sth
I've written the first draft of my dissertation. Have you drafted that report yet?
- to read a document, report, essay, etc, to check for spelling mistakes, style, etc: read* sth over/through
Could you read over that, please, and tell me what you think of it?
- to read sth that you have written and correct it: revise sth
to revise an article before publication
- to write sth again: rewrite* sth
I read what I had written the night before, and decided to rewrite the whole thing.
- to change the way in which sth is written: reword sth
Can you reword this sentence? It sounds awkward.
- to take out sth that has been written or printed: delete sth, cut* (sth out)
I think it's best if you delete this paragraph - people won't understand it. My essay is too long - I'll have to cut it.
- to put a line through sth that you have written: cross sth out
I crossed out his name and wrote yours above it.
- to write sth in a complete and final form, often using notes that you have made: write* sth up
If you've corrected all the mistakes, you can write it up now.
※—† MORE ...
- to start writing sth: put* pen to paper
It took me a long time to decide what to write, but as soon as I put pen to paper, the words came easily.
- a name of a writer which is not his/her real name: pseudonym, pen-name
Ruth Rendell sometimes writes under the pseudonym of Barbara Vine.

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