Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
private businesses or companies BUSINESS - if a thing belongs to one person or group and should not be used by others, it is private (adverb privately); opposite: public (adverb publicly) You can't park here - this is private property. ◎ a public library/telephone - if you want to keep sth secret or do not want many other people to know about it, it is private, personal; noun (U): privacy a private letter ◎ Do you mind if I ask you a personal question? ◎ I felt that his questions were an attack on my privacy. - very private: intimate They told each other their most intimate thoughts and feelings. - if sth is not connected with work or business, it is private, personal Harry didn't talk much about his private life. ◎ The letter was marked 'Personal', so I didn't open it. - when you do sth that is not connected with your job, you do it as a private individual - if a lot of people know sth, it is public (adverb publicly) The Chairman did not make the news public until he had told all members of staff. ◎ It was public knowledge that the company was losing money. - if a thing is intended to be known publicly, it is official (adverb officially); opposite: unofficial (adverb unofficially) She will almost certainly be the new sales manager, although it's not yet official. ※ doing sth privately - when one person or a small group of people do sth with nobody else present, they do it in private, privately, it is private; opposite: in public, publicly The meeting was held in private. ◎ We met privately - we wanted to keep the plans secret. ◎ a private English lesson ◎ This is the first time that Sally has spoken about her experiences in public. - the state of being alone: privacy (noun U) Rachel went upstairs to her room to get some privacy. ※ more on being alone ALONE
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