1. the rays of the sun (Freq. 1) - the shingles were weathered by the sun and wind • Syn: sunlight, sun • Derivationally related forms: sun (for: sun) • Hypernyms: light, visible light, visible radiation • Hyponyms: sunburst • Part Meronyms: sunbeam, sunray 2. moderate weather; suitable for outdoor activities • Syn: fair weather, temperateness • Derivationally related forms: temperate (for: temperateness) • Hypernyms: weather, weather condition, conditions, atmospheric condition 3. the quality of being cheerful and dispelling gloom - flowers added a note of cheerfulness to the drab room • Syn: cheerfulness, cheer, sunniness • Ant: uncheerfulness (for: cheerfulness) • Derivationally related forms: sunny (for: sunniness), cheery (for: cheer), cheer (for: cheer), cheerful (for: cheerfulness) • Hypernyms: attribute • Hyponyms: good-temperedness, good-humoredness, good-humouredness, good-naturedness • Part Holonyms: disposition, temperament • Attrubites: cheerful, depressing, cheerless, uncheerful