see also YEAR - one of the four periods of the year: season ※ summer - the warmest season of the year, between spring and autumn: summer (noun C/U) the summer holidays ◎ We went to Spain two summers ago. ◎ In summer, I usually spend a lot of time in the garden. - the time when it is summer: summertime (noun U) The shop is usually much busier in the summertime when all the tourists are here. - if the weather is what you would expect in summer, or if sth is suitable for summer, it is summery a summery day - the time around the middle of summer when the days are long: midsummer (noun U) ※ autumn - the season between summer and winter: autumn (AmE fall)(noun C/U) - if the weather is what you would expect in autumn, it is autumnal ※ winter - the coldest time of year, between autumn and spring: winter (noun C/U) a very cold winter ◎ We didn't get much snow last winter. ◎ winter sports - the time when it is winter: wintertime (noun U) The days are shorter in the wintertime. - if a winter is particularly cold, it is hard; opposite: mild a long hard winter - if the weather is what you would expect in winter, it is wintry wintry showers ◎ wintry weather - the time around the middle of winter when the days are short: midwinter (noun U) ※ spring - the season between winter and summer: spring (noun C/U) - the time when it is spring: springtime (noun U) - if the weather is what you would expect in spring, it is springlike a springlike day Note: in talking about the seasons we normally do not use the, but we may do if we want to talk about a particular winter, summer, etc: Winter is not a good time to be in Moscow. ◎ I love autumn - it's my favourite season. ◎ The winter in Moscow is terrible. ◎ I was very ill in April and May but I began to get better as the summer approached.