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Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
mythical place

a place that exists only in imagination;
a place said to exist in fictional or religious writings
imaginary place, fictitious place
imagination, imaginativeness, vision
afterworld, Annwfn, Annwn, Asgard, Atlantis,
Brobdingnag, cloud-cuckoo-land, Cockaigne, El Dorado, eldorado, fairyland,
faerie, faery, Heaven, Elysium, Hell, Hades,
infernal region, netherworld, Scheol, underworld, perdition, Inferno,
nether region, pit, Houyhnhnms, Laputa, Lilliput, limbo,
Midgard, never-never land, dreamland, dreamworld, purgatory, Ruritania,
spirit world, Utopia, Zion, Sion, wonderland

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