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Từ điển WordNet v3.1 - WordNet Dictionary
card game

a game played with playing cards
Members of this Topic:
fourhanded, discard, reshuffle, reshuffling, deal,
ruff, trumping, trick, shoe, trump, book,
revoke, unblock, bluff, bluff out, overtrump, crossruff,
exit, lurch, skunk, ante, underplay, check,
pitch, cover, raise, see, riffle, misdeal,
bid, call
all fours, high-low-jack, baccarat, chemin de fer, beggar-my-neighbor,
beggar-my-neighbour, strip-Jack-naked, blackjack, twenty-one, vingt-et-un, bridge,
casino, cassino, cribbage, crib, ecarte, euchre,
five hundred, fantan, sevens, parliament, faro, Go Fish,
monte, four-card monte, three-card monte, Michigan, Chicago, Newmarket,
boodle, stops, Napoleon, nap, old maid, pinochle,
pinocle, penuchle, bezique, piquet, pisha paysha, poker,
poker game, rouge et noir, trente-et-quarante, rummy, rum, solitaire,
patience, whist, long whist, short whist
Part Meronyms:
discard, shuffle, shuffling, make, cut,
cutting, doubling, double, deal, lead, revoke,
renege, call

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