a loud utterance; often in protest or opposition (Freq. 3) - the speaker was interrupted by loud cries from the rear of the audience • Syn: cry, outcry, call, yell, vociferation • Derivationally related forms: yell (for: yell), call (for: call), outcry (for: outcry), cry (for: cry) • Hypernyms: utterance, vocalization • Hyponyms: bellow, bellowing, holla, holler, hollering, hollo, holloa, roar, roaring, yowl, blue murder, catcall, clamor, clamoring, clamour, clamouring, hue and cry, halloo, hoot, hosanna, noise, scream, screaming, shriek, shrieking, screech, screeching, whoop, war cry, war whoop, rallying cry, battle cry, yelling, shouting, yodel, boo, Bronx cheer, hiss, raspberry, razzing, razz, snort, bird
1. utter in a loud voice; talk in a loud voice (usually denoting characteristic manner of speaking) (Freq. 39) - My grandmother is hard of hearing--you'll have to shout • Ant: whisper • Derivationally related forms: shouter • Hypernyms: talk, speak, utter, mouth, verbalize, verbalise • Hyponyms: yell, scream, holler, holler out, thunder, roar, bawl, bellow • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s that CLAUSE - Sam and Sue shout 2. utter a sudden loud cry (Freq. 18) - she cried with pain when the doctor inserted the needle - I yelled to her from the window but she couldn't hear me • Syn: shout out, cry, call, yell, scream, holler, hollo, squall • See Also: call out (for: call), cry out (for: cry) • Derivationally related forms: hollo (for: hollo), holler (for: holler), hollering (for: holler), scream (for: scream), screamer (for: scream), screaming (for: scream), yell (for: yell), yelling (for: yell), call (for: call), cry (for: cry), shouting • Hypernyms: utter, emit, let out, let loose • Hyponyms: hollo, hurrah, halloo, whoop, shriek, shrill, pipe up, pipe, howl, ululate, wail, roar, yawl, yaup, squawk, screak, skreak, skreigh, screech • Verb Group: call, exclaim, cry, cry out, outcry, call out • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Somebody ----s 3. utter aloud; often with surprise, horror, or joy (Freq. 2) - 'I won!' he exclaimed - 'Help!' she cried - 'I'm here,' the mother shouted when she saw her child looking lost • Syn: exclaim, cry, cry out, outcry, call out • Derivationally related forms: exclamatory (for: exclaim), exclamation (for: exclaim), exclaiming (for: exclaim) • Hypernyms: express, verbalize, verbalise, utter, give tongue to • Hyponyms: gee, ooh, aah • Verb Group: call out, shout out, cry, call, yell, scream, holler, hollo, squall • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s that CLAUSE - They shout that there was a traffic accident 4. use foul or abusive language towards - The actress abused the policeman who gave her a parking ticket - The angry mother shouted at the teacher • Syn: abuse, clapperclaw, blackguard • Derivationally related forms: abusive (for: abuse), abuse (for: abuse), abuser (for: abuse) • Hypernyms: attack, round, assail, lash out, snipe, assault • Hyponyms: slang, vilify, revile, vituperate, rail, curse • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s somebody - Somebody ----s PP