1. something determined in relation to something that includes it (Freq. 113) - he wanted to feel a part of something bigger than himself - I read a portion of the manuscript - the smaller component is hard to reach - the animal constituent of plankton • Syn: portion, component part, component, constituent • Derivationally related forms: partial • Hypernyms: relation • Hyponyms: substance, language unit, linguistic unit, item, point, butt, basis, base, detail, particular, unit, member, remainder, balance, residual, residue, residuum, rest, subpart • Part Holonyms: meronymy, part to whole relation 2. something less than the whole of a human artifact (Freq. 24) - the rear part of the house - glue the two parts together • Syn: portion • Derivationally related forms: partial • Hypernyms: object, physical object • Hyponyms: appendage, bit, bottleneck, bulb, butt, stub, component, constituent, element, cutout, foible, fore edge, foredge, forte, fraction, heel, hub, jetsam, limb, neck, peen, piece, pressing, seat, section, segment, shank, waist, spine, spine, toe, turnout, widening, upstage, upstairs, wreckage • Part Holonyms: whole, unit 3. a portion of a natural object (Freq. 19) - they analyzed the river into three parts - he needed a piece of granite • Syn: piece • Hypernyms: thing • Hyponyms: body part, corpus, acicula, base, corner, craton, cutting, fragment, hunk, lump, nub, stub, segment, slice, strip, world • Instance Hyponyms: North Atlantic, North Pacific, South Atlantic, South Pacific • Part Holonyms: unit, building block 4. that which concerns a person with regard to a particular role or situation (Freq. 19) - it requires vigilance on our part - they resisted every effort on his part • Hypernyms: concern 5. the extended spatial location of something (Freq. 15) - the farming regions of France - religions in all parts of the world - regions of outer space • Syn: region • Hypernyms: location • Hyponyms: atmosphere, air, biosphere, depth, interplanetary space, interstellar space, heliosphere, intergalactic space, deep space, aerospace, zone, belt, bottom, county, distance, Eden, paradise, nirvana, heaven, promised land, Shangri-la, extremity, hell, hell on earth, hellhole, snake pit, the pits, inferno, inside, interior, ionosphere, layer, outside, exterior, radius, side, vacuum, vacuity, top, zodiac, sign of the zodiac, star sign, sign, mansion, house, planetary house, Papua, Sind, black hole, Kuiper belt, Edgeworth-Kuiper belt, mare, maria • Instance Hyponyms: D-layer, D region, Appleton layer, F layer, F region, Heaviside layer, Kennelly-Heaviside layer, E layer, E region, Achaea, Doris, Cynoscephalae, Transylvania, Witwatersrand, Rand, Reef 6. the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group (Freq. 13) - the function of a teacher - the government must do its part - play its role • Syn: function, office, role • Derivationally related forms: officiate (for: office), function (for: function) • Hypernyms: duty • Hyponyms: capacity, hat, portfolio, stead, position, place, lieu, second fiddle 7. an actor's portrayal of someone in a play (Freq. 9) - she played the part of Desdemona • Syn: character, role, theatrical role, persona • Derivationally related forms: impersonate (for: persona), personify (for: persona) • Hypernyms: portrayal, characterization, enactment, personation • Hyponyms: bit part, minor role, heavy, hero, ingenue, title role, name part, heroine, villain, baddie 8. assets belonging to or due to or contributed by an individual person or group (Freq. 8) - he wanted his share in cash • Syn: share, portion, percentage • Derivationally related forms: share (for: share) • Hypernyms: assets • Hyponyms: tranche, dispensation, dole, way, ration, allowance, slice, piece, split, interest, stake, profit sharing, cut, allotment, allocation • Part Holonyms: net income, net, net profit, lucre, profit, profits, earnings 9. one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole (Freq. 7) - the written part of the exam - the finance section of the company - the BBC's engineering division • Syn: section, division • Derivationally related forms: divisional (for: division), section (for: section) • Hypernyms: concept, conception, construct • Hyponyms: frame, beginning, middle, end, high point, component, constituent, element, factor, ingredient, chukker, chukka, inning, game, turn, bout, round, round, second period, final period, half, period, quarter, over • Part Holonyms: whole 10. a line of scalp that can be seen when sections of hair are combed in opposite directions (Freq. 3) - his part was right in the middle • Syn: parting • Hypernyms: line • Part Holonyms: hair 11. the melody carried by a particular voice or instrument in polyphonic music (Freq. 2) - he tried to sing the tenor part • Syn: voice • Hypernyms: tune, melody, air, strain, melodic line, line, melodic phrase • Hyponyms: primo, secondo, voice part, accompaniment, musical accompaniment, backup, support, bass, bass part 12. the part played by a person in bringing about a result (Freq. 2) - I am proud of my contribution in advancing the project - they all did their share of the work • Syn: contribution, share • Derivationally related forms: contribute (for: contribution) • Hypernyms: attempt, effort, endeavor, endeavour, try • Hyponyms: end
1. go one's own way; move apart (Freq. 4) - The friends separated after the party • Syn: separate, split • Derivationally related forms: split (for: split), parting, separation (for: separate) • Hypernyms: move • Hyponyms: disperse, dissipate, scatter, spread out, break up, diffract • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Somebody ----s 2. discontinue an association or relation; go different ways (Freq. 1) - The business partners broke over a tax question - The couple separated after 25 years of marriage - My friend and I split up • Syn: separate, split up, split, break, break up • Derivationally related forms: breakup (for: break up), break (for: break), split (for: split), separatist (for: separate), separation (for: separate) • Hyponyms: give the axe, give the bounce, give the gate, disunify, break apart, disassociate, dissociate, divorce, disunite, disjoint, break with, split up, secede, splinter, break away, break • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s 3. leave - The family took off for Florida • Syn: depart, start, start out, set forth, set off, set out, take off • See Also: part with • Derivationally related forms: takeoff (for: take off), parting, departure (for: depart), departer (for: depart) • Hypernyms: leave, go forth, go away • Hyponyms: take off, lift off, roar off, blaze, blaze out, sally forth, sally out • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Somebody ----s - Somebody ----s PP 4. come apart - The two pieces that we had glued separated • Syn: separate, divide • Derivationally related forms: partitive, divisible (for: divide), separation (for: separate) • Hypernyms: change • Hyponyms: subdivide, polarize, polarise, calve, break up, chip, chip off, come off, break away, break off, disjoin, disjoint, detach, come away, segregate, segment, reduce, reduce, partition, partition off, dismember, take apart, discerp, gerrymander • Verb Frames: - Something ----s 5. force, take, or pull apart - He separated the fighting children - Moses parted the Red Sea • Syn: separate, disunite, divide • Derivationally related forms: partitive, separation (for: separate) • Hypernyms: move, displace • Hyponyms: compartmentalize, compartmentalise, cut up, polarize, polarise, sequester, sequestrate, keep apart, set apart, isolate, disjoin, disjoint, disarticulate, disconnect, cut, tear, joint, joint, break, sever, break up, rupture, snap, bust • Cause: separate, divide • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody - Something ----s somebody - Something ----s something - Somebody ----s something from somebody - They part their hair
in part; in some degree; not wholly (Freq. 11) - I felt partly to blame - He was partially paralyzed • Syn: partially, partly • Ant: wholly (for: partly) • Derived from adjective: partial (for: partially)