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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th
welfare state

ˌwelfare ˈstate [welfare state] BrE NAmE noun
1. (often the Welfare State)usually singular a system by which the government provides a range of free services to people who need them, for example medical care, money for people without work, care for old people, etc.
2. countable a country that has such a system

In Britain the term welfare state applies mainly to the ↑National Health Service, ↑National Insurance and ↑social security. The US does not consider itself a true welfare state, but Americans use the terms ‘welfare’ and ‘welfare programmes’ for the various ways the national, state and local governments help people who are poor, sick, old, unemployed, etc. The national programmes include ↑Medicare, ↑Medicaid and ↑Temporary Assistance to Needy Families.
See also ↑Beveridge Report

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