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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

train·spot·ter [trainspotter trainspotting] BrE [ˈtreɪnspɒtə(r)] NAmE [ˈtreɪnspɑːtər] noun (BrE)
1. a person who collects the numbers of railway engines as a hobby
2. (disapproving)a person who is interested in the details of a subject that other people think are boring
Derived Word:trainspotting

Trainspotting is a hobby in Britain, popular mainly with boys but also with some adult men. It involves going to places where trains can be seen, especially railway stations, and collecting the numbers of railway engines they see by writing them down. People sometimes make fun of this hobby and the people who do it because they think it is a boring and ridiculous thing to do
•Richard goes trainspotting every weekend.

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