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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

tele·phone [telephone telephones telephoned telephoning] noun, verb BrE [ˈtelɪfəʊn] NAmE [ˈtelɪfoʊn]
1. countable, uncountable a system for talking to sb else over long distances, using wires or radio; a machine used for this
The telephone rang and Pat answered it.
You can reserve seats over the telephone.
I need to make a telephone call.
telephone lines/networks/services
2. countable the part of the telephone that you hold in your hand and speak into
Syn: handset, Syn:receiver
see also phone

Making and receiving phone calls
the phone/telephone rings
answer/pick up/hang up the phone/telephone
lift/pick up/hold/replace the receiver
dial a (phone/extension/wrong) number/an area code
call sb/talk (to sb)/speak (to sb) on the phone/telephone; from home/work/the office
make/get/receive a phone call
take the phone off the hook (= remove the receiver so that the phone does not ring)
the line is (BrE) engaged/ (especially NAmE) busy
the phones have been (NAmE) ringing off the hook (= ringing frequently)
put sb through/get through to the person you want to speak to
put sb on hold (= so that they must wait for the person they want to speak to)
call from/use a landline
Mobile/cell phones
be/talk on a (both BrE) mobile phone/mobile/(especially NAmE) cell phone/(informal, especially NAmE) cell
use/answer/call (sb on)/get a message on your mobile phone/mobile/cell phone/cell
switch/turn on/off your mobile phone/mobile/cell phone/cell
charge/recharge your mobile phone/mobile/cell phone/cell
a mobile/cell phone is on/is off/rings/goes off
(BrE) top up your mobile (phone)
send/receive a text (message)/an SMS (message)/a fax
insert/remove/change a SIM card

Example Bank:
All letters should include an address and a daytime telephone number.
Can I get in touch by telephone?
Can I use your telephone?
Don't pester me now— I'm on the telephone.
Excuse me, do you have a telephone?
Hang on— I'll just get the telephone.
He was called to the telephone just as he was leaving.
I don't want to talk about this over the telephone.
I've been trying to phone him all day— he must have left his telephone off the hook.
She is in telephone contact with headquarters.
She put down the telephone and burst into tears.
She sounded very distant on the telephone.
The charity has set up a 24-hour telephone helpline.
The office telephones were all out of order.
The telephone shrilled into the silence.
The telephone was ringing furiously.
The waiter came to tell me I was wanted on the telephone.
We're not on the telephone, so you'll have to come round to the house.
He's on the telephone at the moment.
I need to make a telephone call.
You're wanted on the telephone.
telephone lines/networks/services
Idiom:on the telephone
verb intransitive, transitive (formal, especially BrE)
to speak to sb by telephone
Syn: call, Syn:phone
Please write or telephone for details.
He telephoned to say he'd be late.
~ sth You can telephone your order 24 hours a day.
I was about to telephone the police.
Verb forms:

Example Bank:
He telephoned to say he'd be late.


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