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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

spa [spa spas] BrE [spɑː] NAmE [spɑː] noun
1. a place where water with minerals in it, which is considered to be good for your health, comes up naturally out of the ground; the name given to a town that has such a place and where there are, or were, places where people could drink the water
Leamington Spa
a spa town
spa waters
2. a place where people can relax and improve their health, with, for example, a swimming pool
a superb health spa which includes sauna, Turkish bath and fitness rooms
3. (especially NAmE) = Jacuzzi

Word Origin:
early 17th cent.: from Spa, a small town in eastern Belgium which has been celebrated for the curative properties of its mineral springs since medieval times.

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