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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

settle·ment [settlement settlements] BrE [ˈsetlmənt] NAmE [ˈsetlmənt] noun
1. countable an official agreement that ends an argument between two people or groups
to negotiate a peace settlement
The management and unions have reached a settlement over new working conditions.
an out-of-court settlement (= money that is paid to sb or an agreement that is made to stop sb going to court)
2. uncountable the action of reaching an agreement
the settlement of a dispute
3. countable (law)the conditions, or a document stating the conditions, on which money or property is given to sb
a divorce/marriage/property, etc. settlement
4. uncountable the action of paying back money that you owe
the settlement of a debt
a cheque in settlement of a bill
Settlement is made monthly by direct debit.
5. countable a place where people have come to live and make their homes, especially where few or no people lived before
signs of an Iron Age settlement
a mining settlement
6. uncountable the process of people making their homes in a place
the settlement of the American West

Example Bank:
Both parties hope to reach an amicable settlement.
Lawyers are seeking an out-of-court settlement.
Nurses refused to accept a pay settlement less than the rate of inflation.
The Romans established a settlement on the south shore.
The company had to pay multi-million-dollar settlements to victims.
The union has negotiated a temporary settlement.
They agreed to pay $8 million in settlement of the claim by Duqual.
They have reached a settlement with the government.
They made a financial settlement with the family in order to prevent a civil lawsuit.
They signed away their legal rights for a large cash settlement.
They won a settlement of $10.6 million.
a $50 000 pretrial settlement offer
a beneficiary under the settlement
a cheque in settlement of the amount owing
a lasting and comprehensive peace settlement
a proposed $100-million global settlement of a class action suit
early settlement patterns in South America
full settlement of a debt
negotiations for a final settlement agreement
the earliest urban human settlement in the world
the peaceful settlement of a long-standing dispute
She had to pay over $5 000 in settlement of her debts.
The house was put on the market as part of a divorce settlement.
There are still hopes for a negotiated settlement.
There have been efforts to broker a peace settlement with the militia groups.

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