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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

pos·ter [poster posters] BrE [ˈpəʊstə(r)] NAmE [ˈpoʊstər] noun
1. a large notice, often with a picture on it, that is put in a public place to advertise sth
Syn: placard
election posters
a poster campaign (= an attempt to educate people about sth by using ↑posters )
a wanted poster (= with a picture of a person that the police are looking for)
They put up a poster advertising the concert.
2. a large picture that is printed on paper and put on a wall as decoration
posters of her favourite pop stars
3. a person who posts a message on a ↑message board (= a place on a website where people can read or write messages)

poster noun C
Posters all over town advertised the concert.
notice • • placard • • banner
sth is on a poster/notice/placard
display a poster/notice/placard
put up/stick up a poster/notice

Example Bank:
Detectives have launched a massive poster campaign to help in the search for two killers.
He collects vintage movie posters.
He was the poster boy for indie rock.
His walls are plastered with posters of rock stars.
Huge election posters suddenly went up all over the town.
The police have put up wanted posters describing the man.
The wanted poster said ‘Dead or Alive’.
a poster of James Dean
posters for tonight's concert
the picture on the poster
A massive poster campaign was launched, warning people of the dangers of drugs.
Election posters were on every street.
The walls are covered with posters of her favourite pop stars.

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