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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

hall·way [hallway hallways] BrE [ˈhɔːlweɪ] NAmE [ˈhɔːlweɪ] noun
1. (especially BrE) = hall (1)
2. (NAmE) = hall (2)

Example Bank:
He hurried them along the narrow, dark hallway.
I walked down the hallway, not knowing where I was heading.
Lockers lined the hallways.
She walked through the crowded hallways to the locker room.
The hallway led to a locked door.
There were strange noises coming from the room down the hallway.
the room across the hallway
As I walked along the hallway, I passed several open doors.
He walked down the tiled hallway and into the kitchen.

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