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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

en·cour·age [encourage encourages encouraged encouraging] BrE [ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ] NAmE [ɪnˈkɜːrɪdʒ] verb
1. to give sb support, courage or hope
~ sb in sth My parents have always encouraged me in my choice of career.
~ sb We were greatly encouraged by the positive response of the public.
2. ~ sb to do sth | ~ doing sth to persuade sb to do sth by making it easier for them and making them believe it is a good thing to do
Banks actively encourage people to borrow money.
3. to make sth more likely to happen or develop
~ sth (in sb/sth) They claim that some computer games encourage violent behaviour in young children.
~ sb to do sth Music and lighting are used to encourage shoppers to buy more.
~ doing sth Technology encourages multitasking.
Opp: discourage
Derived Words:encouraging encouragingly
Verb forms:

Word Origin:
Middle English (formerly also as incourage): from French encourager, from en- ‘in’ + corage ‘courage’.

encourage verb
1. T
She was greatly encouraged by his kind words.
cheer • • cheer sb up • • lift/raise sb's spirits • • reassure • |formal uplift
Opp: discourage
be greatly encouraged/cheered/reassured
Encourage or cheer? People or events can encourage you; you can be cheered by events or things. Cheer is more about comfort; encourage is more about confidence.
2. T
Banks actively encourage people to borrow money.
urge • • spur • |informal put sb up to sth • • egg sb on • |formal exhort • |especially written galvanize
Opp: discourage
encourage/urge/spur/egg on/exhort/galvanize sb to do sth
encourage/urge/exhort sb not to do sth
constantly/repeatedly encourage/urge/exhort sb to do sth
3. T
The questions are designed to encourage debate.
stir sth up • • whip sb/sth up • |approving stimulate • |disapproving incite • |especially journalism business fuel • • stoke
Opp: hold sb/sth back
encourage/incite sb to do sth
encourage/stir up/whip up/stimulate/fuel/stoke interest
encourage/stir up/whip up/incite opposition

Example Bank:
Newspapers should not publish material that is likely to encourage discrimination on the grounds of race or colour.
She especially encouraged young scientists.
Speaking your mind is highly encouraged at these sessions.
The government must actively encourage investment in these areas.
These questions are designed to encourage debate.
We were greatly encouraged by the support we received.
‘Good girl, you're doing fine,’ he encouraged her.
Do toy guns encourage aggression?
Music and special lighting are used to encourage shoppers to spend more.
Programmes like this just encourage stereotyping.
The aim of the campaign is to encourage youngsters not to smoke.
The new measures are designed to encourage more people to cycle.
The treaty is aimed at encouraging cooperation between Member States.
They claim that some computer games encourage violent behaviour in children.
We're looking at ways to encourage recycling.

Example Bank:
This news is most encouraging.
It was an encouraging start to the project.
Last year's results were very encouraging.
The response we got from our readers was extremely encouraging.
There are encouraging signs that the economy is picking up.

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