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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

I. edit AW [edit edits edited editing] BrE [ˈedɪt] NAmE [ˈedɪt] verb
1. transitive, intransitive ~ (sth) to prepare a piece of writing, a book, etc. to be published by correcting the mistakes, making improvements to it, etc
I know that this draft text will need to be edited.
This is the edited version of my speech (= some parts have been taken out).
2. transitive ~ sth to prepare a book to be published by collecting together and arranging pieces of writing by one or more authors
He's editing a book of essays by Isaiah Berlin.
3. transitive, intransitive ~ (sth) (computing)to make changes to text or data on screen
You can download the file and edit it on your computer.
4. transitive ~ sth when sb edits a film/movie, television programme, etc. they take what has been filmed or recorded and decide which parts to include and in which order
They're showing the edited highlights of last month's game.
5. transitive ~ sth to be responsible for planning and publishing a newspaper, magazine, etc. (= to be the ↑editor )
She used to edit a women's magazine.
Derived:edit something out
Verb forms:

Word Origin:
late 18th cent. (as a verb): partly a back-formation from ↑editor, reinforced by French éditer ‘to edit’ (from édition ‘edition’).

Cinema/the movies
go to/take sb to (see) a film/movie
go to/sit in (BrE) the cinema/(NAmE) the (movie) theater
rent a film/movie/DVD
download a film/movie/video
burn/copy/rip a DVD
see/watch a film/movie/DVD/video/preview/trailer
show/screen a film/movie
promote/distribute/review a film/movie
(BrE) be on at the cinema
be released on/come out on/be out on DVD
captivate/delight/grip/thrill the audience
do well/badly at the box office
get a lot of/live up to the hype
write/co-write a film/movie/script/screenplay
direct/produce/make/shoot/edit a film/movie/sequel/video
make a romantic comedy/a thriller/an action movie
do/work on a sequel/remake
film/shoot the opening scene/an action sequence/footage (of sth)
compose/create/do/write the soundtrack
cut/edit (out) a scene/sequence
have/get/do an audition
get/have/play a leading/starring/supporting role
play a character/James Bond/the bad guy
act in/appear in/star in a film/movie/remake
do/perform/attempt a stunt
work in/make it big in Hollywood
forge/carve/make/pursue a career in Hollywood
Describing films
the camera pulls back/pans over sth/zooms in (on sth)
the camera focuses on sth/lingers on sth
shoot sb/show sb in extreme close-up
use odd/unusual camera angles
be filmed/shot on location/in a studio
be set/take place in London/in the '60s
have a happy ending/plot twist

Example Bank:
She used to edit a women's magazine.
This is the edited version of my speech.
II. edit noun
I had time to do a quick edit of my essay before handing it in.
Main entry:editderived

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