com·press [compress compresses compressed compressing] verb, noun verb BrE [kəmˈpres] ; NAmE [kəmˈpres] 1. transitive, intransitive to press or squeeze sth together or into a smaller space; to be pressed or squeezed in this way •~ sth (into sth) compressed air/gas •As more snow fell, the bottom layer was compressed into ice. •She compressed her lips. •~ (into sth) Her lips compressed into a thin line. 2. transitive ~ sth (into sth) to reduce sth and fit it into a smaller space or amount of time Syn: ↑condense •The main arguments were compressed into one chapter. •Rehearsal time will have to be compressed into two evenings. 3. transitive ~ sth (computing)to make computer files, etc. smaller so that they use less space on a disk, etc. Opp: ↑decompress Verb forms: Word Origin: late Middle English: from Old French compresser or late Latin compressare, frequentative of Latin comprimere, from com- ‘together’ + premere ‘to press’; or directly from compress- ‘pressed together’, from the verb comprimere. Derived Word: ↑compression noun BrE [ˈkɒmpres] ; NAmE [ˈkɑːmpres] a cloth that is pressed onto a part of the body to stop the loss of blood, reduce pain, etc •to apply a cold compress Word Origin: late Middle English: from Old French compresser or late Latin compressare, frequentative of Latin comprimere, from com- ‘together’ + premere ‘to press’; or directly from compress- ‘pressed together’, from the verb comprimere.