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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

bless·ing [blessing blessings] BrE [ˈblesɪŋ] NAmE [ˈblesɪŋ] noun
1. usually singular God's help and protection, or a prayer asking for this
to pray for God's blessing
The bishop said the blessing.
2. usually singular approval of or permission for sth
The government gave its blessing to the new plans.
He went with his parents' blessing.
3. something that is good or helpful
Lack of traffic is one of the blessings of country life.
It's a blessing that nobody was in the house at the time.
see also mixed blessing
more at count your blessings at count v.
Idiom:blessing in disguise

Being religious
believe in God/Christ/Allah/free will/predestination/heaven and hell/an afterlife/reincarnation
be/become a believer/an atheist/an agnostic/a Christian/Muslim/Hindu/Buddhist, etc.
convert to/practise/ (especially US) practice a religion/Buddhism/Catholicism/Christianity/Islam/Judaism, etc.
go to church/(NAmE) temple (= the synagogue)
go to the local church/mosque/synagogue/gurdwara
belong to a church/a religious community
join/enter the church/a convent/a monastery/a religious sect/the clergy/the priesthood
praise/worship/obey/serve/glorify God
Celebrations and ritual
attend/hold/conduct/lead a service
perform a ceremony/a rite/a ritual/a baptism/the Hajj/a mitzvah
carry out/perform a sacred/burial/funeral/fertility/purification rite
go on/make a pilgrimage
celebrate Christmas/Easter/Eid/Ramadan/Hanukkah/Passover/Diwali
observe/break the Sabbath/a fast/Ramadan
deliver/preach/hear a sermon
lead/address the congregation
say/recite a prayer/blessing
Religious texts and ideas
preach/proclaim/spread the word of God/the Gospel/the message of Islam
study/follow the dharma/the teachings of Buddha
read/study/understand/interpret scripture/the Bible/the Koran/the gospel/the Torah
be based on/derive from divine revelation
commit/consider sth heresy/sacrilege
Religious belief and experience
seek/find/gain enlightenment/wisdom
strengthen/lose your faith
keep/practise/practice/abandon the faith
save/purify/lose your soul
obey/follow/keep/break/violate a commandment/Islamic law/Jewish law
be/accept/do God's will
receive/experience divine grace
achieve/attain enlightenment/salvation/nirvana
undergo a conversion/rebirth/reincarnation
hear/answer a prayer
commit/confess/forgive a sin
do/perform penance

Example Bank:
He went off to Latin America with his mother's blessing.
She received the full blessing of her employers.
The blessing was said in Hebrew.
The government has given its official blessing to the project.
They asked God's blessing on their pastoral work.
Being famous can be a mixed blessing.
Her looks turned out to be more of a curse than a blessing.
It's a blessing that no one was in the house when the fire started.
Not getting that job proved to be a blessing in disguise.
The Board gave its blessing to the plan.
The budget was pushed through by the government without the blessing of the opposition.
The document received official blessing.
This arrangement received the full blessing of the committee.
You should stop complaining and count your blessings.

▼ Từ liên quan / Related words
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