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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

web·site 7 [website] BrE [ˈwebsaɪt] NAmE [ˈwebsaɪt] noun
a place connected to the Internet, where a company or an organization, or an individual person, puts information
I found this information on their website.
For current prices please visit our website.

Email and the Internet
receive/get/open an email
write/send/answer/forward/delete an email
check/read/access your email
block/filter (out) junk/spam/unsolicited email
exchange email addresses
open/check your inbox
junk mail fills/floods/clogs your inbox
have/set up an email account
open/send/contain an attachment
sign up for/receive email alerts
Connecting to the Internet
use/access/log onto the Internet/the Web
go online/on the Internet
have a high-speed/dial-up/broadband/wireless (Internet) connection
access/connect to/locate the server
use/open/close/launch a/your web browser
browse/surf/search/scour the Internet/the Web
send/contain/spread/detect a (computer/email) virus
update your anti-virus software
install/use/configure a firewall
accept/enable/block/delete cookies
Using the Internet
visit/check a website/an Internet site/sb's blog
create/design/launch a website/social networking site
start/write/post/read a blog
update your blog/a website
be in/meet sb in/go into/enter an Internet chat room
download/upload music/software/a song/a podcast/a file/a copy of sth
share information/data/files
post a comment/message on a website/an online message board/a web forum/an internet chat room
stream video/audio/music/content over the Internet
join/participate in/visit/provide a (web-based/web/online/Internet/discussion) forum
generate/increase/monitor Internet traffic

Example Bank:
City College's official website
I was searching this history website for something about Alexander the Great.
There were so many visitors to the website that it went down.
We show you how to make your own website in ten simple steps.
You can find details of all our products on our website.
a website devoted to Rufus Wainwright
the official website of Liverpool FC

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