Chuyển bộ gõ

Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

trophy [trophy trophies] noun, adjective BrE [ˈtrəʊfi] NAmE [ˈtroʊfi]
noun (pl. trophies)
1. an object such as a silver cup that is given as a prize for winning a competition
a trophy cabinet
2. Trophyused in the names of some competitions and races in which a trophy is given to the winner
3. an object that you keep to show that you were successful in sth, especially hunting or war

Word Origin:
late 15th cent. (in sense 3): from French trophée, via Latin from Greek tropaion, from tropē ‘a rout’, from trepein ‘to turn’.

Example Bank:
Europe currently holds the trophy.
He picked up a trophy for best news editor.
Portugal will be defending the trophy they won last year.
The club haven't won a major trophy for the past three seasons.
The team paraded their League Championship trophy.

adjective only before noun ~ building/art/girlfriend, etc. (informal, disapproving)
an impressive or beautiful thing or person that you have in order to make other people admire you
We don't need a trophy building for our business.
These people are interested in opera as a trophy event.

Word Origin:
late 15th cent. (in sense 3): from French trophée, via Latin from Greek tropaion, from tropē ‘a rout’, from trepein ‘to turn’.

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