Chuyển bộ gõ

Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th
thank you

ˈthank you [thank you] exclamation, noun BrE NAmE
see also thanks
1. used to show that you are grateful to sb for sth they have done
~ (for sth) Thank you for your letter.
~ (for doing sth) Thank you very much for sending the photos.
2. a polite way of accepting sth that sb has offered you
‘Would you like some help with that?’ ‘Oh, thank you.’
3. no thank youa polite way of refusing sth that sb has offered you
‘Would you like some more cake?’ ‘No thank you.’
4. used at the end of a sentence to tell sb firmly that you do not need their help or advice
‘Shall I do that?’ ‘I can do it myself, thank you.’
noun usually singular ~ (to sb) (for sth)
an act, a gift, a comment, etc. intended to thank sb for sth they have done
The actor sent a big thank you to all his fans for their letters of support.
She took the money without so much as a thank you.
a thank-you letter

Example Bank:
He didn't even say thank you.
I would just like to say a personal thank you to all the people who contributed to this appeal.
She got a special thank you for all her hard work.
a big thank you to the hospital staff


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