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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

sub·urb [suburb suburbs] BrE [ˈsʌbɜːb] NAmE [ˈsʌbɜːrb] noun (also NAmE informal the burbs)
an area where people live that is outside the centre of a city
a suburb of London
a London suburb
They live in the suburbs.
See also:burbs

Word Origin:
Middle English: from Old French suburbe or Latin suburbium, from sub- ‘near to’ + urbs, urb- ‘city’.

Town and country
live in a city/a town/an urban environment/(informal) a concrete jungle/the suburbs/shanty towns/slums
live (especially NAmE) downtown/in the downtown area/(BrE) in the city centre
enjoy/like the hectic pace of life/the hustle and bustle of city life
cope with the stress/pressure of urban life
get caught up in the rat race
prefer/seek the anonymity of life in a big city
be drawn by/resist the lure of the big city
head for the bright lights (of the big city/New York)
enjoy/love the vibrant/lively nightlife
have/be close to all the amenities
be surrounded by towering skyscrapers/a soulless urban sprawl
use/travel by/rely on (BrE) public transport/(NAmE) public transportation
put up with/get stuck in/sit in massive/huge/heavy/endless/constant traffic jams
tackle/ease/reduce/relieve/alleviate the heavy/severe traffic congestion
be affected/choked/damaged by pollution
live in a village/the countryside/an isolated area/a rural backwater/(informal) the sticks
enjoy/like the relaxed/slower pace of life
enjoy/love/explore the great outdoors
look for/find/get/enjoy a little peace and quiet
need/want to get back/closer to nature
be surrounded by open/unspoilt/picturesque countryside
escape/quit/get out of/leave the rat race
seek/achieve a better/healthy work-life balance
downshift to a less stressful life
seek/start a new life in the country
(BrE, informal) up sticks/ (NAmE, informal) pull up stakes and move to/head for…
create/build/foster a strong sense of community
depend on/be employed in/work in agriculture
live off/farm/work the land
tackle/address the problem of rural unemployment

Example Bank:
As soon as we can afford it, we'll move to the suburbs.
For a child from the suburbs, a trip to the city was a great adventure.
Many people work in the centre but live in the suburbs.
People often prefer to live in the suburbs and commute to work.
She's renting in a suburb of Boston.
She's renting in some grey suburb of Birmingham.
The middle-class suburbs are growing fast.
out beyond the sprawling suburbs
people in the surrounding suburbs and small towns
the coastal suburbs of the capital
the mostly white suburb of Woodland Beach

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