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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

stable AW [stable stables stabled stabling] adjective, noun, verb BrE [ˈsteɪbl] NAmE [ˈsteɪbl]
1. firmly fixed; not likely to move, change or fail
Syn: steady
stable prices
a stable relationship
This ladder doesn't seem very stable.
The patient's condition is stable (= it is not getting worse).
The situation in the country has remained relatively stable for a few months now.
2. (of a person)calm and reasonable; not easily upset
Syn: balanced
Mentally, she is not very stable.
3. (technical) (of a substance)staying in the same chemical or ↑atomic state
chemically stable
an element forming stable compounds
Opp: unstable

Word Origin:
adj. Middle English Anglo-Norman French Latin stabilis stare ‘to stand’ n. and v. Middle English Old French estable ‘stable, pigsty’ Latin stabulum stare ‘to stand’

stable adj.
This ladder doesn't seem very stable.
steady • • secure • • firm
Opp: unstable
a stable/steady/secure/firm foundation
a stable/secure/firm base
2. (usually approving)
Children need a stable home life.
steady • • regular • • consistent • • even • • constant • |written unchanging • |sometimes disapproving, especially business static
Opp: unstable
a/an stable/steady/even/constant temperature
stable/steady/regular employment
a stable/steady/regular relationship

Word Family:
stable adjective (≠ unstable)
stability noun (≠ instability)
stabilize verb

Example Bank:
Don't worry— it's perfectly stable!
He was not emotionally stable enough to think through his decision.
Put a book under the table leg to keep it stable.
The unit is stable enough on level ground.
attempts to keep prices stable
He was not married, but he was in a stable relationship.
The industry should do everything it can to keep prices stable.
The patient's condition is stable.
These children badly need a stable and secure home life.
This ladder doesn't seem very stable.
a stable mind/relationship/family/home
a stable situation/environment/government/population
stable employment
Derived Word:stably
1. countable a building in which horses are kept
The horse was led back to its stable.
2. (BrE also stables)countable + singular or plural verb an organization that keeps horses for a particular purpose: (BrE)a riding/racing stables
His stables are near Oxford.
3. countable a group of ↑racehorses owned or trained by the same person
There have been just three winners from his stable this season.
4. singular a group of people who work or trained in the same place; a group of products made by the same company
actors from the same stable
the latest printer from the Epson stable

Word Origin:
adj. Middle English Anglo-Norman French Latin stabilis stare ‘to stand’ n. and v. Middle English Old French estable ‘stable, pigsty’ Latin stabulum stare ‘to stand’

Word Family:
stable adjective (≠ unstable)
stability noun (≠ instability)
stabilize verb
verb ~ sth
to put or keep a horse in a stable
Where do you stable your pony?
Verb forms:

Word Origin:
adj. Middle English Anglo-Norman French Latin stabilis stare ‘to stand’ n. and v. Middle English Old French estable ‘stable, pigsty’ Latin stabulum stare ‘to stand’

Word Family:
stable adjective (≠ unstable)
stability noun (≠ instability)
stabilize verb

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