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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

solv·ent [solvent solvents] noun, adjective BrE [ˈsɒlvənt] NAmE [ˈsɑːlvənt]
noun uncountable, countable
a substance, especially a liquid, that can dissolve another substance
industrial solvents for removing oil
solvent cleaners

Word Origin:
mid 17th cent.: from Latin solvent- ‘loosening, unfastening, paying’, from the verb solvere.
1. not usually before noun having enough money to pay your debts; not in debt
The company managed to remain solvent during the recession.
Opp: insolvent
2. (technical)able to dissolve another substance, or be dissolved in another substance
Lead is more solvent in acidic water.

Word Origin:
mid 17th cent.: from Latin solvent- ‘loosening, unfastening, paying’, from the verb solvere.

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