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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

sleepy [sleepy sleepier sleepiest] BrE [ˈsliːpi] NAmE [ˈsliːpi] adjective (sleep·ier, sleepi·est)
1. needing sleep; ready to go to sleep
Syn: drowsy
a sleepy child
He had begun to feel sleepy.
The heat and the wine made her sleepy.
2. (of places)quiet and where nothing much happens
a sleepy little town
Derived Words:sleepily sleepiness

Example Bank:
She was beginning to get a little sleepy.
The alcohol was making him sleepy.
The town remains sleepy despite the activity all around it.
a sleepy little fishing town
It was a sleepy little town before it became popular with tourists.
She kept rubbing her eyes like a sleepy child.
The heat and the wine made him sleepy.

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