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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

site AW [site sites sited siting] noun, verb BrE [saɪt] NAmE [saɪt]
1. a place where a building, town, etc. was, is or will be located
the site of a sixteenth century abbey
to work on a building/construction site
A site has been chosen for the new school.
All the materials are on site so that work can start immediately.
2. a place where sth has happened or that is used for sth
the site of the battle
an archaeological site
a camping/caravan site
3. (computing)a place on the Internet where a company, an organization, a university, etc. puts information
see also mirror site, ↑website

Word Origin:
late Middle English (as a noun): from Anglo-Norman French, or from Latin situs ‘local position’. The verb dates from the late 16th cent.

site noun C
They've chosen a site for the new school.
place • • position • • location • • spot • • scene • • venue • • area
a (good, etc.) site/place/position/location/spot/venue for sth
at a site/place/position/location/spot/scene/venue
the site/place/location/spot/venue where…
a/an interesting/beautiful/convenient/remote site/place/position/location/spot

Email and the Internet
receive/get/open an email
write/send/answer/forward/delete an email
check/read/access your email
block/filter (out) junk/spam/unsolicited email
exchange email addresses
open/check your inbox
junk mail fills/floods/clogs your inbox
have/set up an email account
open/send/contain an attachment
sign up for/receive email alerts
Connecting to the Internet
use/access/log onto the Internet/the Web
go online/on the Internet
have a high-speed/dial-up/broadband/wireless (Internet) connection
access/connect to/locate the server
use/open/close/launch a/your web browser
browse/surf/search/scour the Internet/the Web
send/contain/spread/detect a (computer/email) virus
update your anti-virus software
install/use/configure a firewall
accept/enable/block/delete cookies
Using the Internet
visit/check a website/an Internet site/sb's blog
create/design/launch a website/social networking site
start/write/post/read a blog
update your blog/a website
be in/meet sb in/go into/enter an Internet chat room
download/upload music/software/a song/a podcast/a file/a copy of sth
share information/data/files
post a comment/message on a website/an online message board/a web forum/an internet chat room
stream video/audio/music/content over the Internet
join/participate in/visit/provide a (web-based/web/online/Internet/discussion) forum
generate/increase/monitor Internet traffic

site • area • position • point • location • scene • spot • venue
These are all words for a particular area or part of an area, especially one used for a particular purpose or where sb/sth is situated or happens.
place • a particular point, area, city, town, building, etc, especially one used for a particular purpose or where a particular thing happens: This would be a good place for a picnic.
site • the place where sth, especially a building, is or will be situated; a place where sth happened or that is used for a particular purpose: They've chosen a site for the new school.
area • a part of a room, building or particular space that is used for a special purpose; a particular place on an object: the hotel reception area Move the cursor to a blank area on the screen.
position • the place where a person or thing is situated; the place where sb/sth is meant to be: From his position at the top of the hill, he could see the harbour.
The position of sb/sth is often temporary: the place where sb/sth is at a particular time.
point • a particular place within an area, where sth happens or is supposed to happen: the point at which the river divides
location • a place where sth happens or exists, especially a place that is not named or not known: The company is moving to a new location.
scene • a place where sth happens, especially sth unpleasant: the scene of the accident
spot • a particular point or area, especially one that has a particular character or where sth particular happens: The lake is one of the local beauty spots .
venue • the place where people meet for an organized event such as a performance or sports event.
at a place/site/position/point/location/scene/spot/venue
in a(n) place/area/position/location/venue
the place/site/point/location/spot/venue where…
the right place/site/position/location/spot/venue
a central site/position/location/venue
the/sb's/sth's exact/precise place/site/position/point/location/spot

Example Bank:
A local company has recently acquired the site.
A site map lists and links to all pages on your website.
At this site you'll find all the latest news and gossip.
Check out the links in our home site.
Gozo has some of the best dive sites in the Mediterranean.
Hard hats must be worn on site.
Harvard Law has a very useful and informative site.
He saw the photo on a right-wing hate site.
He was injured on a building site.
I am redesigning my personal site this month.
I have bookmarked your site for future reading.
I'm searching for sites on aromatherapy.
Many of these ancient burial sites were destroyed in the last century.
Nothing can be built on this site.
Search engines rank sites through a variety of methods.
The council has earmarked the site for possible redevelopment.
The factory will be built at a site to the north of the city.
The government tries to block foreign sites deemed subversive.
The hotel is in a prime site overlooking the sea.
The official site is updated on a regular basis.
The president is to visit the crash site later today.
The school stands on the site of an ancient settlement.
The search engine crawls the site for relevant keywords.
The site contains information on local services.
The site is being cleared for development.
The site is designated for housing.
The site is presently occupied by offices.
The site offers used equipment for sale.
The site was leased from another company.
The software sells on the site for $29.95.
Their site is easy to navigate.
Users log onto a password-protected Internet site.
You can go to ePay Music, a music-specific sister site to ePay.
a Harry Potter fan site
a free site devoted to tropical fish
a music download site
a site devoted to health issues
a waste-disposal site on the edge of town
an extremely sensitive site of national importance
entertainment content sites
houses built on prime sites with stunning views
major news sites
one of the major search sites
online dating sites
online music review sites
penalties for disturbing ancient sites
sites about Japan
some potential sites for the new business
the most popular sites for children
the number of sites that link to your website
the test site for the atom bomb
The kids used to play on an old bomb site.
There's an archeological site at the top of the hill.
They are clearing the site for building work to start.
They say it's an ancient burial site.
They've already chosen a site for the new school.
This was the site of a great battle.
We visited the site of a 16th century abbey.
a camp/camping/caravan site

verb often passive ~ sth + adv./prep.
to build or place sth in a particular position
There was a meeting to discuss the siting of the new school.
The castle is magnificently sited high up on a cliff.
Verb forms:

Word Origin:
late Middle English (as a noun): from Anglo-Norman French, or from Latin situs ‘local position’. The verb dates from the late 16th cent.

Example Bank:
The fence is strategically sited to prevent anyone getting onto the beach.
The hotel is beautifully sited by a lake in a steep valley.


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