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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

shelve [shelve shelves shelved shelving] BrE [ʃelv] NAmE [ʃelv] verb
1. transitive ~ sth to decide not to continue with a plan, either for a short time or permanently
Syn: put on ice
The government has shelved the idea until at least next year.
2. transitive ~ sth to put books, etc. on a shelf
3. intransitive (+ adv./prep.) (of land)to slope downwards
The beach shelved gently down to the water.
Verb forms:

Word Origin:
senses 1 to 2 late 16th cent. ‘project like a shelf’ shelves ↑shelfsense 3 late Middle English ↑shelf

Example Bank:
The beach shelves gently down to the sea.
The ground shelves quite steeply here.
Plans to expand the company have been quietly shelved.

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