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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

rub·ble BrE [ˈrʌbl] NAmE [ˈrʌbl] noun uncountable
broken stones or bricks from a building or wall that has been destroyed or damaged
The bomb reduced the houses to rubble.
There were piles of rubble everywhere.

Word Origin:
[rubble] late Middle English: perhaps from an Anglo-Norman French alteration of Old French robe ‘spoils’; compare with ↑rubbish.

Example Bank:
Police sifted through the rubble looking for clues.
Rescue workers are searching the rubble for survivors.
Several people were trapped in the rubble.
She stood among the rubble left by the earthquake.
The school was reduced to rubble.
What was once a cottage was now a crumbling heap of rubble.
A bomb had reduced the house next door to rubble.
The end of the alley was blocked by a heap of rubble and twisted metal.

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