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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

re·pulse [repulse repulses repulsed repulsing] BrE [rɪˈpʌls] NAmE [rɪˈpʌls] verb (formal)
1. usually passive ~ sb to make sb feel disgust or strong dislike
Syn: repel
I was repulsed by the horrible smell.
2. ~ sb/sth to fight sb who is attacking you and drive them away
Syn: repel
to repulse an attack/invasion/offensive
3. ~ sb/sth to refuse to accept sb's help, attempts to be friendly, etc.
Syn: reject
Each time I tried to help I was repulsed.
She repulsed his advances.
Verb forms:

Word Origin:
late Middle English: from Latin repuls- ‘driven back’, from the verb repellere, from re- ‘back’ + pellere ‘to drive’.

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