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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

repel [repel repels repelled repelling] BrE [rɪˈpel] NAmE [rɪˈpel] verb (-ll-)
1. transitive ~ sb/sth (formal)to successfully fight sb who is attacking you, your country, etc. and drive them away
to repel an attack/invasion/invader
Troops repelled an attempt to infiltrate the south of the island.
• (figurative)The reptile's prickly skin repels nearly all of its predators.
2. transitive ~ sth to drive, push or keep sth away
a cream that repels insects
The fabric has been treated to repel water.
3. transitive ~ sb (not used in the progressive tenses)to make sb feel horror or disgust
Syn: disgust, Syn:repulse
I was repelled by the smell.
4. transitive, intransitive ~ (sth) (technical)if one thing repels another, or if two things repel each other, an electrical or ↑magnetic force pushes them apart
Like poles repel each other.
Opp: attract
see also repulsion, ↑repulsive
Verb forms:

Word Origin:
late Middle English: from Latin repellere, from re- ‘back’ + pellere ‘to drive’.

Example Bank:
Her heartlessness repelled him.
I was repelled by the smell of drink on his breath.
She was repelled by his harsh business ethic.
Troops repelled an attempt to invade the south island.

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