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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

pro·fes·sor [professor professors] BrE [prəˈfesə(r)] NAmE [prəˈfesər] (also informal prof) noun (abbr.Prof.)
1. (especially BrE) (NAmE ˈfull professor)a university teacher of the highest rank
Professor (Ann) Williams
a chemistry professor
to be appointed Professor of French at Cambridge
He was made (a) professor at the age of 40.  Full professor is used to describe a rank of university teacher, and not as a title.
2. (NAmE)a teacher at a university or college
compare assistant professor, ↑associate professor
See also:full professor prof

Word Origin:
late Middle English: from Latin professor, from profess- ‘declared publicly’, from the verb profiteri, from pro- ‘before’ + fateri ‘confess’.

professor noun C
my professor at Harvard
lecturer • • fellow • • tutor • |BrE don
a professor/lecturer/fellow/tutor/don at sth
a professor/lecturer in sth
a/an senior/distinguished/honorary professor/lecturer/fellow
be made/appointed professor/lecturer/fellow

Example Bank:
I spent six months as a visiting professor at Brown University.
Jennifer Bradbery, emerita professor/professor emerita of surgery
a research professor at the University of Southern California
a respected law professor at a prestigious university
an eminent professor of English
He is a distinguished professor of law at the University of Illinois.
He was made a professor at the age of 40.
Professor Smith
She is a former history professor.
She was my professor when I was a grad student.
The opening address will be given by Professor Montgomery, professor emeritus of microbiology at Birkbeck College.
The report was written by two Harvard professors.

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