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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

norm AW [norm norms] noun, verb BrE [nɔːm] NAmE [nɔːrm]
1. (often the norm)singular a situation or a pattern of behaviour that is usual or expected
Syn: rule
a departure from the norm
Older parents seem to be the norm rather than the exception nowadays.
2. normsplural standards of behaviour that are typical of or accepted within a particular group or society
social/cultural norms
She considered people to be products of the values and norms of the society they lived in.
3. countable a required or agreed standard, amount, etc
detailed education norms for children of particular ages
The government claims that background radioactivity is well below international norms.

Word Origin:
early 19th cent.: from Latin norma ‘precept, rule, carpenter's square’.

Race and immigration
Prejudice and racism
experience/encounter racism/discrimination/prejudice/anti-semitism
face/suffer persecution/discrimination
fear/escape from/flee racial/political/religious persecution
constitute/be a form of racial/race discrimination
reflect/reveal/show/have a racial/cultural bias
be biased/be prejudiced against (especially BrE) black people/(both especially NAmE) people of color/African Americans/Asians/Africans/Indians, etc.
discriminate against minority groups/minorities
perpetuate/conform to/fit/defy a common/popular/traditional/negative stereotype
overcome/be blinded by deep-seated/racial/(especially NAmE) race prejudice
entrench/perpetuate racist attitudes
hurl/shout (especially BrE) racist abuse; (especially NAmE) a racist/racial/ethnic slur
challenge/confront racism/discrimination/prejudice
combat/fight (against)/tackle blatant/overt/covert/subtle/institutional/systemic racism
Race and society
damage/improve (especially BrE) race relations
practise/ (especially US) practice (racial/religious) tolerance/segregation
bridge/break down/transcend cultural/racial barriers
encourage/promote social integration
outlaw/end discrimination/slavery/segregation
promote/embrace/celebrate cultural diversity
conform to/challenge/violate (accepted/established/prevailing/dominant) social/cultural norms
live in a multicultural society
attack/criticize multiculturalism
fight for/struggle for/promote racial equality
perpetuate/reinforce economic and social inequality
introduce/be for/be against (BrE) positive discrimination/(especially NAmE) affirmative action
support/be active in/play a leading role in the civil rights movement
control/restrict/limit/encourage immigration
attract/draw a wave of immigrants
assist/welcome refugees
house/shelter refugees and asylum seekers
smuggle illegal immigrants into the UK
deport/repatriate illegal immigrants/failed asylum seekers
assimilate/integrate new immigrants
employ/hire migrant workers
exploit/rely on (cheap/illegal) immigrant labour/(especially US) labor
apply for/gain/obtain/be granted/be denied (full) citizenship
have/hold dual citizenship

Example Bank:
In the inner-city areas, poverty is the norm rather than the exception.
On-screen editing has become the norm for all student work.
Small families are the norm nowadays.
The new design is a departure from the norm.
Their appearance conforms to the group norm.
They want to discourage pay settlements over the norm.
accepted norms of behaviour
accepted norms of international law
Public examination systems set up a norm, on which each student is judged.
The level of background radioactivity is well below international norms.
The revised norms are based on test scores of 2 050 children aged between five and ten.
There is a comparison of each child with the age norms.

verb ~ sth
to adjust sth so that it is of the required standard; to establish a required or agreed standard for sth
You can use the information to norm the test.
to norm the practice of trading on the Internet
What is the best way to norm the output of the models?
Verb forms:

Word Origin:
early 19th cent.: from Latin norma ‘precept, rule, carpenter's square’.

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