Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th
new [new newer newest] BrE [njuː] NAmE [nuː] adjective (newer, new·est) NOT EXISTING BEFORE 1. not existing before; recently made, invented, introduced, etc • Have you read her new novel? •new ways of doing things • This idea isn't new. •The latest model has over 100 new features. see also brand-new, Opp: ↑old 2. the newnoun uncountable something that is new •It was a good mix of the old and the new. RECENTLY BOUGHT 3. recently bought • Let me show you my new dress. NOT USED BEFORE 4. not used or owned by anyone before • A second-hand car costs a fraction of a new one. DIFFERENT 5. different from the previous one • I like your new hairstyle. • When do you start your new job? •He's made a lot of new friends. •Do you have her new phone number? Opp: ↑old NOT FAMILIAR 6. already existing but not seen, experienced, etc. before; not familiar • This is a new experience for me. • I'd like to learn a new language. •the discovery of a new star •~ to sb Our system is probably new to you. RECENTLY ARRIVED 7. ~ (to sth) not yet familiar with sth because you have only just started, arrived, etc • I should tell you, I'm completely new to this kind of work. • I am new to the town. •a new arrival/recruit •You're new here, aren't you? NEW- 8. used in compounds to describe sth that has recently happened •He was enjoying his new-found freedom. MODERN 9. (usually with the)modern; of the latest type •the new morality •They called themselves the New Romantics. JUST BEGINNING 10. usually before noun just beginning or beginning again •a new day • It was a new era in the history of our country. • She went to Australia to start a new life. WITH FRESH ENERGY 11. having fresh energy, courage or health • Since he changed jobs he's looked like a new man. RECENTLY PRODUCED 12. only recently produced or developed • The new buds are appearing on the trees now. •new potatoes (= ones dug from the soil early in the season) see also ↑newly more at new/fresh blood at ↑blood, brave new world at ↑brave adj., breathe (new) life into sth at ↑breathe, put a new/different complexion on sth at ↑complexion, (you can't) teach an old dog new tricks at ↑teach Idioms: ↑break new ground ▪ ↑good as new ▪ ↑like new ▪ ↑new broom ▪ new kid on the block ▪ ↑new one on me ▪ ↑turn over a new leaf ▪ ↑what's new? ▪ ↑… is the new … Derived Word: ↑newness Word Origin: Old English nīwe, nēowe, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch nieuw and German neu, from an Indo-European root shared by Sanskrit nava, Latin novus, and Greek neos ‘new’. Thesaurus: new adj. 1. •These ideas aren't new. fresh • |often approving novel • Opp: old a new/fresh/novel idea/approach/way a new/novel concept/design/feature/form/method completely/entirely/totally/relatively new/fresh/novel 2. •Let me show you my new dress. brand new • • untried • Opp: old new/brand new/untried technology a new/brand new product/computer/house relatively new/untried 3. •I was fairly new to teaching at that time. unfamiliar with sth • • unused to sth • |formal unaccustomed to sth • new/unused/unaccustomed to sth Example Bank: •It was all very new and strange to me. •She's still quite new to the job and needs a lot of help. •The car still looks new. •There is nothing new in teenagers wanting to change the world. •These ideas are not entirely new. •a scratch on my brand new car •genuinely new approaches to data recording •very proud of their spanking new kitchen •A second-hand car costs a lot less than a new one. •Have you read her new book? •He couldn't stand the new breed of career politicians. •He was new to the job and had not known how to deal with the situation. •I was fairly new to teaching at the time. •It's too much to ask of someone who is so new to the profession. •Jamila likes to try the new fashions coming in from Pakistan. •New arrivals should have their passports ready for inspection. •New students will be given a tour of the college facilities. •The school secretary wants to introduce new ways of doing things in the office. •This idea isn't new. •We offer intensive training to all new recruits. •You're new in this town, aren't you?
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