Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th
harsh [harsh harsher harshest] BrE [hɑːʃ] NAmE [hɑːrʃ] adjective (harsh·er, harsh·est) 1. cruel, severe and unkind •The punishment was harsh and unfair. •The minister received some harsh criticism. •the harsh treatment of slaves •He regretted his harsh words. •We had to face up to the harsh realities of life sooner or later. 2. (of weather or living conditions)very difficult and unpleasant to live in •a harsh winter/wind/climate •the harsh conditions of poverty which existed for most people at that time 3. too strong and bright; ugly or unpleasant to look at •harsh colours •She was caught in the harsh glare of the headlights. •the harsh lines of concrete buildings Opp: ↑soft 4. unpleasant to listen to •a harsh voice 5. too strong and rough and likely to damage sth •harsh detergents •Ordinary soap can be too harsh for delicate skin. Derived Words: ↑harshly ▪ ↑harshness Word Origin: Middle English: from Middle Low German harsch ‘rough’, literally ‘hairy’, from haer ‘hair’. Thesaurus: harsh adj. (disapproving) •the harsh glare of the headlights strong • • dazzling • |disapproving glaring • Opp: soft a harsh/strong/dazzling/glaring light harsh/strong/dazzling colours Example Bank: •It may seem harsh to criticize him after his death. •‘Stop it!’ she said in a harsh voice. •He later regretted his harsh words. •He stood outside, blinking in the harsh sunlight. •Life expectancy is extremely low due to the harsh conditions. •Many of the prisoners died during the harsh winter of 1683. •Nothing can justify such harsh treatment of prisoners. •The minister received some harsh criticism. •The view was spoiled by the harsh lines of concrete towers. •These plants will not grow in this harsh climate. •They've painted the walls with harsh bright colours.
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