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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

grail BrE [ɡreɪl] NAmE [ɡreɪl] (also the ˌHoly ˈGrail) noun
1. singular the cup or bowl believed to have been used by Jesus Christ before he died, that became a holy thing that people wanted to find
2. countable a thing that you try very hard to find or achieve, but never will
See also:Holy Grail

Word Origin:
[grail] from Old French graal, from medieval Latin gradalis ‘dish’.

There are many old stories about the Holy Grail. In the most famous of these King Arthur's ↑Knights of the Round Table go to search for it, and it is finally found by Sir ↑Galahad, the only ↑knight who is completely pure. When Galahad dies, his men see the Grail rise into Heaven

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